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Y&R Spoilers: Faith Confronts Lucy!

Trouble is everywhere in this week’s The Young & The Restless spoilers! Kyle accuses Summer, Cameron continues to torment Sharon, and Faith makes a shocking discovery about Lucy. Will she keep quiet?

Summer is surprised when Kyle suddenly returns from his business trip to Paris. “What are you doing back here?” she asks, puzzled. Jack and Diane turn to see Kyle enter with his case, brushing off his ex-wife’s concern. “Never mind that,” he declares. “How’s Harrison? And what the hell did you let happen to my son?”

Sharon assured her family that she would go away for a bit to get her head together, but it’s going to take a lot more than a spa vacation to fix whatever’s wrong with her. As she continues to be haunted by visions of Cameron, Sharon becomes increasingly frustrated. “Why won’t you leave me alone?” she angrily questions him. But Cameron is unyielding: “I’m here because you want me to be here.” Can anyone come to Sharon’s aid before it’s too late?
Who will haunt Sharon next? CBS

At the concert, Faith confronts Lucy near the bathrooms after catching her drinking. “What the hell, Lucy?” she shouts. Lucy’s face falls, and she begins to shift nervously. “Please don’t be mad,” she pleads. But Faith is furious. “Who gave you alcohol?” she demands. “When? How much have you had?” Faith knows all too well the dangers of teenage drinking—she nearly died in a car crash while driving drunk herself. But can she make Lucy understand the perilous path she’s on?

Check out this tease for the dramatic week of Y&R to come!

Source: Soaps In Depth