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11 Republican activists indicted for falsely declaring Trump won Arizona as electors

An Arizona grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump’s chief of staff, Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani, and 16 others for their efforts to use fake electors to overturn Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election. Trump is described as an unindicted co-conspirator, and arguments regarding legal prosecution are ongoing. This indictment marks the fourth state where allies of the former president have been charged with voter fraud claims. The charges involve false certificates submitted to Congress and the National Archives, falsely claiming that Trump won Arizona. This case follows a trend of indictments against fake electors in other states like Nevada, Michigan, Georgia, and Wisconsin. No charges have been filed in Pennsylvania. The Democrats believe that American democracy should not be undermined and are taking legal actions against those involved in these fraudulent schemes.


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