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5 Key Game of Thrones Characters Not Found in the Books

Another “Game of Thrones” character associated with the nefarious House Bolton is Locke, a man-at-arms serving Lord Roose Bolton and, ostensibly, power player Tywin Lannister. While Brienne of Tarth is on a mission to bring captive Jaime Lannister back to King’s Landing — under orders from Catelyn Stark in hopes of reclaiming one of her daughters — she and Jaime encounter Locke. Locke captures them both to leverage his own advantage. One fateful night, Locke and his men attempt to sexually assault Brienne. Despite her prowess as a warrior, she’s visibly terrified. Jaime intervenes, convincing Locke that Brienne’s father is wealthy and she’s the heiress to a sapphire fortune. Instead of harming Brienne, Locke makes a sudden decision and chops off Jaime’s right hand.

Locke eventually reaches the Wall after delivering Jaime to Roose Bolton, where he wins the trust of Jon Snow, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch. Unknown to Jon, Locke is there on Roose’s orders to locate Bran and Rickon Stark. When Locke finds Bran, Bran wargs into his caretaker Hodor and breaks Locke’s neck.

In the book series, Locke is a simplified representation of Vargo Hoat, leader of the Brave Companions, a group known for committing atrocious acts.

Source: NBC News