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Abinader condemns alleged rape of Haitian teenager as “unspeakable abuse”

President Luis Abinader described the alleged rape of a 14-year-old Haitian woman by agents of the General Directorate of Migration in Punta Cana as a criminal act and unspeakable abuse. He emphasized that the full weight of the law will be applied to the person responsible for this heinous act.

He stated that regardless of the individual’s identity or position, justice will prevail. Investigations are underway to identify and prosecute the perpetrator of this crime.

The president expressed his disgust at the despicable abuse endured by any 14-year-old girl, whether Haitian or Dominican. This incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from the public.

On Friday, a Haitian teenager was reportedly raped by police officers from Migration during an intervention in Punta Cana. The victim shared that the perpetrator took advantage of her vulnerability and threatened her into silence.

The case is currently being handled by the Public Ministry in the area. The incident has raised concerns about the safety and protection of vulnerable individuals in the community.

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