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Aerosmith Retires from Touring Due to Steven Tyler’s Vocal Issues

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Aerosmith has officially decided to retire from touring. The iconic rock band announced they made the difficult choice due to Steven Tyler’s voice finally giving out.

They broke the news in a heartfelt Instagram post on Friday, saying that after more than 50 years of performing, they’ve reluctantly decided to retire.

The main reason behind this decision is Tyler’s voice, described as “an instrument like no other.” Despite months of working with top doctors, his voice no longer sounds the same due to a vocal injury.

The group expressed that touring has been the joy of their lives. They thanked their fans and crew for making all their shows possible. However, without Tyler at 100%, they concluded that they can’t continue hitting the road.

Aerosmith ended their announcement on a positive note, telling fans to dream on and expressing gratitude for making their dreams come true—a reference to their 1973 hit song “Dream On.”

Steven Tyler’s voice troubles have been well-documented. Sources mentioned in September last year, during the group’s “Peace Out” farewell tour, that his vocal cords were “mangled.”

The group announced a pause on the tour at that time. It seems their show in Long Island that month will forever be the band’s last.

Though the band’s touring days are over, it’s worth noting that the retirement only mentions touring. A studio album isn’t technically out of the question, but it depends on Tyler’s voice.

Either way, Aerosmith’s touring days are done, leaving fans with a ton of “Sweet Emotion.” It was fun while it lasted!

Source: Getty