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AI Perfectly Creates an American Dad Trailer Set in the 1950s

The AI enthusiast YouTuber known as DemonFlyingFox has once again reshaped a popular animated series into a different era, giving it a more realistic twist. This time, the spotlight is on the beloved animated series “American Dad,” reimagined as if it were set in the 1950s.

Aesthetically resembling “Bewitched” and “Mad Men,” this version of “American Dad” portrays Stan Smith in a new light. He looks akin to Don Draper but is more armed, dangerous, and impeccably fit. Every member of the Smith family appears convincingly realistic, especially Steve Smith with his characteristic glasses. The real highlight, however, is the interpretation of Roger the alien.

Roger is depicted with massive eyes and long limbs, appearing exactly like a 1950s alien. Known for his myriad disguises in the series, Roger’s transformations in this realistic take are even more amusing. Imagine the iconic Roswell alien sporting a blonde wig and a pink blouse.

It’s not just the Smith family that gets this 1950s makeover. The trailer also gives us a glimpse of Hayley Smith’s boyfriend, Jeff Fischer, complete with his signature bucket hat. One oddity, though, is that AI Jeff seems significantly older than Hayley, making their relationship appear somewhat unsettling.

Another character we see is Principal Lewis. While there’s nothing particularly off about seeing him in real life, the AI has chosen to depict him strangely, wearing only red underpants and wielding an AK47. He looks the part facially, but like AI Stan, he is much more physically fit than his cartoon version.

The standout performance, however, comes from Avery Bullock, Stan’s boss at the CIA. Rendered by AI, Bullock strikingly resembles Patrick Stewart, who voices the character in the series. This resemblance leaves us wondering what a live-action “American Dad” starring Stewart as Bullock might look like.

Before this AI-generated trailer, “American Dad” creator Seth MacFarlane had already delved into the 1950s theme. In the episode “American Dad Graffito,” Stan attempts to bring the ’50s back to Langley Falls after becoming captivated by a themed restaurant. True to form, his obsession leads to chaos, including a knife fight with a teenager.

The episode features a memorable song, “We Didn’t Know It Was Wrong,” which humorously highlights all the inappropriate behaviors of that era. Though the episode didn’t rank among the best “American Dad” episodes, the song remains a noteworthy musical moment. Stan’s nostalgic attachment to the diner, amplified by his younger days spent there with Hayley, climaxes in a Fonzie-style drag race gone awry that ends up destroying the diner.

Source: Looper, DemonFlyingFox