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Amazon Warned Users About Foodtopia’s Most Depraved Food Sex Scene

Yes, a hot dog and a human man are totally joining giblets in “Sausage Party: Foodtopia,” and it’s every bit as weird and gross as it sounds. In fact, it’s such a depraved, graphic scene that it’s the only episode that Amazon asked to have a content warning for upon release. When you hit play on the “sixth course” of the show, the warning reads:

“We are proud to announce that this episode contains a scene so graphic that Amazon asked that we issue a warning. This is that warning. You’ve been warned.”

So how exactly did the creators of “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” go about crafting a scene where a man has sex with a hot dog? Were there any limits as to what they could and could not show? Leading up to the release of the series (all eight episodes are streaming now), we interviewed Seth Rogen, Kristen Wiig, and Sam Richardson (who plays the show’s villain, an orange named Julius), and as an executive producer of the show, Rogen had all the answers we could ever want about this confounding cuisine coitus. Through fits of laughter, Rogen explained:

“I think we could show most things we wanted to. I think we generally were able to have our druthers — would that be the word? — as far as what was visible on screen. We wanted it to kind of be sweet in some ways, but then kind of escalate into a more, I guess, graphic place. But yeah, it was fun to brainstorm on … It’s a hot dog and a dude f**king each other! What do you want from me?! We pictured all the ways a hot dog and a dude could f*** each other. You can grab the shaft and jump on the balls like a little trampoline. You start with just going in his ass, and all that kind of stuff. I t***y-f**k him, or he t***y-f**ks me, I guess, at one point. That’s where you start to be like, ‘Okay, now we’re on to something here.’ We tried a 69, I go for it, but I’m too little.”

Rogen’s recollection reveals much about the freewheeling yet somewhat boundary-pushing nature of the show’s creative processes. It seems that the team behind “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” had an extraordinary amount of freedom to experiment with scenes that tread on the edge of taste and acceptability. The goal was apparently to balance humor with shock value, escalating a bizarre premise into one of the most outrageous TV moments imaginable.

Kristen Wiig and Sam Richardson echoed Rogen’s sentiment about how the scene came to life. Both noted that the creators wanted to push the envelope while still grounding the outrageousness in a twisted form of sweetness and humor. Wiig commented, “We knew we were doing something crazy, but we wanted people to laugh and not just be grossed out.” Richardson added that the scene’s humor lies in its absurdity and the commitment to going “all-in” on such an unusual concept.

This isn’t the first time “Sausage Party” has walked a fine line between hilarity and shock. The original film, released in 2016, was notable for its explicit content despite being an animated feature. Fans of the original will likely find “Foodtopia” to be a fitting continuation of the franchise’s irreverent and boundary-pushing humor.

The scene in question has certainly captured public attention and discussions about what can be shown in adult animated series. Viewer reactions have been mixed, with some appreciating the audacity and humor, while others find it crosses the line into poor taste. However, it’s undeniable that the series has stayed true to its original spirit of provoking and entertaining its audience through shock and laughter.

It’s clear that “Sausage Party: Foodtopia” isn’t for everyone. Its boundary-pushing content, including this particularly graphic scene, separates it from conventional animated series aimed at adults. Still, it has carved out a niche for itself among those who appreciate extreme comedy and aren’t easily offended.

Looking forward, it will be interesting to see how audiences and critics further react to the series. If the history of “Sausage Party” is any indication, “Foodtopia” will likely continue to provoke strong reactions, both positive and negative. Whether or not it redefines boundaries for adult animation, it certainly adds to the ongoing conversation about the limits of humor and taste in media.

Source: Amazon Studios