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Amber Rose Rocks at RNC, Explains Her Trump Support Backstory

Amber Rose

Amber Rose showed up at the Republican National Convention to kick off a week’s worth of speeches and proved to be a powerful speaker, explaining why she backs Donald Trump.

The model and social media influencer, who once famously dated Kanye West, was front and center Monday night in Milwaukee. She was one of the key speakers for night one and certainly seized her opportunity, delivering a compelling message.

Amber elaborated on how she came to support Trump and align with the Republican Party. She recounted that it all began with her challenging her father’s support for Trump.

She shared an anecdote about discovering her dad’s support for Trump and how she pushed back against it. Her father challenged her to prove her claims about Trump, including allegations of racism and bigotry. She took on the challenge but ended up discovering a different truth.

Amber Rose Donald Trump

Amber said she delved deep into the “MAGA” world, studying Trump rallies and engaging with Trump supporters. Along the way, she realized that much of what she believed about Trump was misinformation, labeling them as left-wing lies propagated by mainstream media.

She mentioned that she had an epiphany, recognizing that the “MAGA” crowd were her people. Amber further argued that life was better under Trump’s administration.

While Amber delivered her remarks, which were incredibly well-received, Trump was in the audience, visibly appreciating her speech. He smiled widely and, when she finished, he stood up and gave her a rousing round of applause.

By all accounts, Amber was effective in her speech. Some have suggested that she reached a new target audience that Republicans typically struggle to connect with.

All in all, a pretty impressive performance for Trump and the GOP. Whoever chose her as a speaker made an excellent choice.

Source: TMZ