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Armie Hammer Sells Truck Due to Unaffordable Gas Post-Hollywood Scandals

Armie Hammer has revealed that he had to sell his pickup truck due to financial difficulties. This development underscores the actor’s dramatic fall from grace following a series of sexual assault allegations and a bizarre cannibalism scandal that significantly hampered his once-promising career in entertainment.

Hammer, best known for his roles in critically acclaimed films such as “The Social Network” and “Call Me by Your Name,” posted a video on Instagram documenting his visit to a CarMax outlet. The actor, who recently moved to a new apartment in Los Angeles, stated that he could no longer afford the fuel costs for his four-door pickup truck.

In the video, Hammer explained, “I’ve been back in L.A. for a couple of weeks now. This is my truck. I bought this for myself in 2017 as a Christmas gift – because I’ve had pickup trucks for a long time – and I have loved this truck intensely and taken it camping and across the country multiple times on long road trips.”

The actor, who is turning 38 this week, described the sale as a symbol of “new beginnings” in his life. He added, “I will be starting my birthday in a new car in a new apartment in a new life in Los Angeles.” Hammer playfully expressed his sadness at “abandoning my baby,” noting that his two children are unhappy about the sale due to the many memories tied to the vehicle.

This marked change in Hammer’s life is a stark contrast to his days as a rising star in Hollywood. His career plummeted in 2021 as he faced a wave of sexual abuse and assault allegations. Although Hammer has consistently denied any non-consensual sexual activity, the scandal severely affected his professional life. In a recent interview, he even made light of the rumors about his alleged cannibalistic tendencies and conveyed gratitude for the “career death” that followed the allegations.

Hammer’s decision to sell his truck appears to be part of his ongoing efforts to rebuild his life post-scandal. He has previously stated that he refuses to ask his affluent family for financial help. Despite being the great-grandson of oil tycoon Armand Hammer, his current financial situation is a far cry from his family’s wealth.

Hammer has chosen a more economical hybrid vehicle to replace his gas-guzzling pickup. He said in the video, “I’m probably going to put about 10 bucks of gas in it a month,” adding, “I just keep telling myself that parking is going to be easier and gas is going to be cheaper.”

The actor’s financial woes are further evident from his current child support arrangements. After his divorce from Elizabeth Chambers in 2023, Hammer was ordered to pay $1,500 in monthly child support for their two children. The court determined that Hammer “does not have the income” to pay a higher amount, as reported by the New York Post. There are also reports suggesting that he even took a job selling timeshares in the Cayman Islands in 2022 to make ends meet.

Source: PopCulture