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Bernardo Arévalo Hosts Meeting With Southern Command Head to Discuss Security Issues

In the afternoon of Monday, April 15, President Bernardo Arévalo met with General Laura Richardson, the head of the United States Southern Command, to discuss strengthening security ties between the two nations. Also present at the meeting were Richardson and Tobin Bradley, the United States ambassador to Guatemala, where they discussed bridging security gaps.

President Arévalo, in a statement, mentioned, “We have met with Laura Richardson, commander of the United States Southern Command, to collaborate on strengthening our cybersecurity,” he asserted.

In a tweet, Richardson mentioned, “We are committed to deepening our partnership with Guatemala.”

The Guatemalan Army welcomed General Richardson with honors, indicating a willingness to collaborate with the U.S. armed forces. The Minister of Defense, Henry Sáenz, stated that they would discuss regional and cooperative security issues in a meeting later in the day.

The aim of the Commander’s visit is to strengthen cooperation and friendship between the two armies, as well as plan coordinated actions to combat emerging threats in the region, as per the person in charge of National Defense.

During Richardson’s four-day stay, she will hold bilateral meetings with President Bernardo Arévalo, Guatemalan military leadership, and other Defense leaders. She will also participate in the Central American Security Conference (CENTSEC) where defense and security leaders will discuss current and future challenges in the region, covering topics such as cyber protection, climate change, and human rights.

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