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Boyfriend Proposes in Mandarin; Watch Woman’s Shocked Reaction

A woman preparing for a dance challenge received an unforgettable surprise from her boyfriend, who had a different plan in mind.

Yinrun, 26, from Durham, England, believed she and her boyfriend, Luke, were about to film a fun dance challenge. However, the camera captured a moment far more special when Luke got down on one knee and proposed to her in Chinese, her native language, which he had secretly learned for this significant occasion.

“At first, I was shocked,” Yinrun recounted. “But when I realized what was happening, I felt so loved and touched by his heartfelt gesture.”

The effort Luke put into learning Mandarin did not go unnoticed by Yinrun. She explained, “Mandarin is one of the hardest languages for English speakers to learn. I could tell how much effort he put in – not just to learn the words, but to perfect the pronunciation, tones, and fluency.”

Watch the video above to see how she reacts to Luke’s thoughtful proposal!