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British Expert Analyzes Meghan Markle’s Expressions to Reveal Her Feelings for Prince Harry

The British Royal House is not facing one of its best moments. Furthermore, on the other side of the pond, there is Prince Harry (39 years old) with his wife Meghan Markle (42 years old) who, despite the distance, are not oblivious to anything that happens in the United Kingdom. On the occasion of their last joint appearance, the English press has analyzed all the expressions and attitudes of the actress, which would reveal true feelings that she has towards her husband.

Prince William’s brother (41 years old) has lived in the United States for years and decided, in some way, to disassociate himself from everything related to his royal family. However, the illness of his father, King Charles III (75 years old), led him to travel to London to corroborate first-hand his state of health. The same has not happened with his sister-in-law, Kate Middleton (42 years old) and still that meeting has not been held despite the fact that there are many who claim that they have had conversations with each other.

The Duchess of Sussex traveled to Florida to accompany her husband to a polo match being played in a tournament. The actress wanted to stay in the background, according to various sources. However, she was able to present the winners’ prize to Harry, where the two ended up melting into a passionate kiss. For this reason, the English newspaper ‘The Mirror’ wanted to analyze all these details to the millimeter.

Darren Stanton is a body language expert who has revealed all these aspects in the aforementioned English medium. “I think that in the past Meghan has shown herself to be the person more dominant between her and Harry. She is very used to trying hard and she likes to take the reins. In the early stages, we would see much more dominant gestures,” explains the expert about her stage in the past and her change today to accompany Harry in his actions.

“Looks a lot like more comfortable in this type of events since the focus of attention is not on her. I can tell just by her facial expressions, which seem to be authentic. We don’t see any masked gestures or forced smiles on her part. She has unconsciously slowed down, she doesn’t feel so pressured,” she argues about the reasons that would have led to this relaxation in the actress.

According to the British expert, this comfort would come from the relaxation of the pressure to which she was previously subjected, since she does not feel the need to be on a pedestal. This has caused the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to feel “much stronger in recent months.” Furthermore, they have managed to ensure that there is no longer that distance between them that we were accustomed to in their different joint interventions.

In any case, the modification in these recent gestures has been analyzed by Stanton. “I noticed that in one of the images, he had his hand on his back and neck, which is a quite intimate gesture to face the public. They seem to be much more comfortable in each other’s proximity zone,” she says. In this way, they appear much closer to each other, also showing happiness in their appearance.

On the other hand, Darren goes further in his explanations and exhaustive analysis. “This was shown when their faces were engaged: they were both happy to be together. The couple has no problem declaring their love in front of the world,” she declares. Furthermore, this information comes at a key moment. This is an upcoming visit to the United Kingdom, where presumably they will meet again with the British royal family, at least Harry, who has confirmed his presence at the Invictus Games.

But the expert also wanted to tell what he disdains about this last romantic kiss that the couple had in this polo match. “The kiss they shared was quite passionate. They look much more solid compared to previous photos. They are very strong and the Meghan and Harry brand seems extremely narrow,” she concludes. Therefore, it is a gesture that is more meaningful than it seems, taking into account what Darren Stanton has extracted as an expert in body language.

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