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Bunnie Xo Shares Why She Couldn’t Be With Her Dad at His Passing

Over the past year, fans of Jelly Roll and Bunnie Xo have come to know and cherish her dad, Bill. Bill’s journey with Stage IV cancer, detailed through the family’s documentation, showcased his move from Texas to Tennessee to be closer to Bunnie and her country superstar husband. Sadly, he passed away in May, and many fans were curious why Bunnie wasn’t with him during his final moments.

In the latest episode of her Dumb Blonde podcast, Bunnie shared her father’s final days and why she wasn’t with him at the end. Their relationship, strained by complicated family dynamics, was a significant reason. She emphasized that it wasn’t for a lack of trying on her part.

Bunnie and Bill had been close during much of his illness, but they had a falling-out just before he died. “This entire situation of us not talking to each other was because he came to me and told me that his wife was abusing him,” Bunnie explained. “And I —rightfully so, as his daughter— stuck up for him, and he turned on me because of that.”

Bill had moved away from Bunnie and Jelly by this point. After their argument, he entered the hospital and requested that no one inform Bunnie of his hospitalization. Eventually, a family member did tell her, but given Bill’s previous hospitalizations, she didn’t grasp the gravity of his condition initially. Yet, as days progressed, Bunnie grew angrier, especially at Bill’s wife, Suzanne, whom she believed was keeping her distant from her father.

“I texted her, and I was like, ‘How dare you take my dad from me, and not only that, but my dad’s so sick that the last conversation I’m gonna have with my dad is me being mad at him?'” Bunnie recounted. “We had words back and forth, and I was like, ‘There’s a special place in hell for women like you.'”

Despite their heated exchanges, Bunnie and Suzanne eventually opened a line of communication. However, Bunnie wasn’t confident that her dad wanted to see her. Although family members warned her of his worsening condition, she hesitated to make arrangements until Suzanne urged her to come immediately.

“I’m like, ‘Okay, say less. I’ll be there.’ So I start looking for jets,” Bunnie recalled. “Our tour manager Ron was sending us quotes back and forth and we were about to lock in a jet, and as soon as we were about to lock in a jet, she called me and said, ‘He just passed away.'”

Following Bill’s death, Bunnie shared more about her complex feelings regarding their relationship on her Patreon page.

What Happened to Bunnie Xo’s Dad?

  • Bunnie Xo’s father, Bill, was diagnosed with cancer in 2022.
  • He fought his illness privately for a year but eventually informed Bunnie. She then moved him from Texas to Tennessee to aid in his healthcare.
  • Placed in hospice care last November, Bill showed remarkable improvement while receiving palliative care.
  • Bunnie and her father had a tumultuous relationship throughout her life. Though they reconciled during his illness, they experienced another fallout in the final stage of his life.

Bunnie’s reflections on her father’s final days and their relationship reveal the intricate and often painful dynamics that can shape family ties, especially in the face of terminal illness.

Source: Taste of Country