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Call Russia’s Bluff and Allow Ukraine to Respond

Recently, Russia escalated its offensive against Ukraine, conducting a devastating missile strike that targeted non-military areas, leading to significant civilian casualties in cities such as Poltava and Lviv. This brutal attack has prompted Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and his administration to advocate for lifting existing restrictions on Ukraine’s defensive capabilities.

Zelensky and senior officials have called on Western governments to permit Ukraine to use long-range missiles to strike targets within Russia. Since the onset of the full-scale invasion in February 2022, Ukraine has been operating under self-imposed limitations concerning the types of weapons it can utilize. These restrictions were initially set by Western allies, who were apprehensive that providing advanced military equipment might escalate the conflict and lead to greater devastation.

However, the last two and a half years have demonstrated that these concerns may have been unfounded. From the outset of the invasion, Russia warned of severe repercussions should Ukraine resist. Nevertheless, Ukrainian forces united to repel the Russian incursions. Their successful defense of Kyiv and the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from northern and central regions in 2022 boosted resolution among Ukrainians and suggested their potential to withstand the brutal onslaught.

Following these early successes, Western allies began supplying Ukraine with weaponry, including American High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and Army Tactical Missile Systems. Significantly, the arrival of these sophisticated systems did not provoke the dire consequences predicted by Russian leaders. Even when Ukraine acquired long-range missiles, there was no escalation of Russian hostilities.

In 2023, Ukraine not only reclaimed over half of the territories occupied by Russia but also dealt significant blows to the Russian military. Reports indicate that one-third of Russia’s naval fleet in the Black Sea was destroyed, along with two-thirds of its tank force prior to the war. Despite warnings of nuclear retaliation from the Russian Federation should advanced weapons be supplied to Ukraine, such threats have proven hollow.

The most recent arrival of the long-anticipated F-16 fighter jets has added to Ukraine’s arsenal. Additionally, Ukraine has conducted incursions into Russian territories, such as the Kursk region, gaining hundreds of square kilometers along the way. Remarkably, these military developments did not lead to a nuclear escalation, further undermining Russia’s aggressive posturing.

These successes have led several Western leaders to reassess their stances on Ukraine’s defense capabilities. Polish officials have voiced strong support for Ukraine’s right to attack military assets within Russia. Likewise, leaders from the Baltic and Nordic states, Canada, and numerous NATO members in Central Europe are now advocating for Ukraine’s right to engage military targets located in Russian territory.

High-ranking officials, including Josep Borrell, the European Union’s foreign affairs chief, and Jens Stoltenberg, NATO’s secretary general, have joined the call to lift defense restrictions on Ukraine. Advocates of this shift argue that Ukraine must be able to defend itself adequately against ongoing, unprovoked assaults.

It is vital for Ukraine to have the ability to attack Russian military installations to weaken Russia’s capacity to prolong the conflict. If Ukraine is barred from targeting these sites, Russia can continue to bolster its military capabilities in the south and the east, ensuring the ongoing bombardments against Ukrainian citizens will persist.

Allowing Ukraine to strike at the Russian sites contributing to the war effort, such as military bases, arms factories, and ammunition depots, is critical. There are at least 245 military and paramilitary targets within striking range of Ukraine that could be neutralized to diminish Russia’s operational capability.

As the war continues, it is clear that for Ukraine to protect its civilians effectively, it must have the means to retaliate against threats posed by Russian projectiles. Lifting restrictions on Ukraine’s military capabilities is essential not only for its self-defense but also for reducing the likelihood of further civilian casualties as witnessed in the tragedies of Poltava and Lviv.

Empowering Ukraine to target Russian military assets could save countless lives and expedite the resolution of the conflict. It is time for NATO allies to review and ultimately lift the restrictions on Ukraine, allowing it to strike back against an aggressor state.

Source: various news outlets