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Cami Mayan celebrates 25th birthday with extravagant party filled with transparent decorations, drinks, and close friends

Cami Mayan recently celebrated her 25th birthday with a massive party, as seen on her Instagram. After separating from world champion Alexis MacAllister, Cami focused on her career and became a social media reference. She decided to celebrate her birthday in style and welcomed her 25th year with open arms.

She celebrated her birthday at a renowned bar with friends and colleagues from Patria y Familia (Luzu TV). The party was filled with music, drinks, and dancing. Celebrities like Faith Good morning, Sofia Gonet, Fede Popgold, Lizardo Ponce, and others were on the exclusive guest list.

Cami shared photos and videos on her Instagram account, giving followers a glimpse of the fun evening. The party caused a stir on social media, with many leaving reactions and comments appreciating the good time had at the party.

This was Cami’s second birthday celebration after her breakup with Alexis MacAllister. She reflected on the difficult emotional situation she faced after the breakup but expressed her determination not to let it affect her. Cami admitted to starting therapy and seeking support from family and friends during this challenging time.

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