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Can ‘Skeleton Crew’ Capture the Magic of ‘The Goonies’ in a Galaxy Far Away?

I really don’t know what to make of Skeleton Crew yet, even after a new interview with star Jude Law and a batch of first-look images. I suppose even with a trailer, it can be tough to size-up something you haven’t seen yet.

The new show is a decidedly more family-friendly affair than any other live-action Star Wars show yet, featuring four child protagonists played by Ravi Cabot-Conyers (Wim), Kyriana Kratter (KB), Robert Timothy Smith (Neel) and Ryan Kiera Armstrong (Fern).

The series is described in its official synopsis thusly: “When four kids make a mysterious discovery on their seemingly safe home planet, they get lost in a strange and dangerous galaxy. Finding their way home, meeting unlikely allies and enemies will be a greater adventure than they ever imagined.”

Law plays Jod Na Nawood and it sounds like the rest of the cast will be quirky enough. Nick Frost plays a “rusty old, cranky droid that sort of reluctantly helps the kids along the way,” series co-creator Jon Watts told People. The droid’s name is SM33, “he’s the first mate of a mysterious ship.”

This is pretty clearly a nod to Mr. Smee from Hook, and one of the many little Easter Eggs and references we’re promised.

“I mean, even in the first episode, there’s a couple really, really great references that certain fans will immediately recognize,” Watts told the publication, gushingly.

Watts—the director of the Tom Holland Spider-Man films—is collaborating on the series with Christopher Ford. The two have worked on many projects together. You can read the rest of the interview here. You can click through some of the first-look images below:

We’ll have to wait and see. I like the idea of The Goonies meets Star Wars a great deal, but the 80s and 90s are long gone, and simply having references and Easter Eggs in a thing doesn’t make it as great or exciting as the thing it’s referencing. Callbacks can absolutely be fun, but they’re no trade-off for original content.

We’ll know more on December 3rd, when Skeleton Crew debuts on Disney+.

Source: Disney