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Candace Owens Tells Don Lemon He Is Living in ‘Sin’ for Being in a Gay Marriage

Journalist Don Lemon recently clashed with conservative analyst Candace Owens on YouTube’s The Don Lemon Show, following her controversial remarks about his marriage. Their heated exchange covered various topics including trans issues, gay rights, and the January 6th insurrection. When the conversation shifted to same-sex marriages and interracial couples, Lemon directly asked Owens about her stance on same-sex marriage. “It’s a sin,” Owens responded.

Lemon then pressed further, questioning if she believed his own marriage to a man was sinful. Owens did not hesitate to double down on her belief, claiming, “Yes, you’re sinning. You are in a sinful relationship. I actually don’t believe that marriage can be between two men.”

The former CNN anchor married his longtime partner, real estate agent Tim Malone, in a New York City ceremony in April. Owens, known for her vocal opposition to the LGBTQ+ community, has also drawn attention for her controversial statements linking gender-affirming healthcare to an increase in mass shootings. After a school shooting in Perry, Iowa, she tweeted, “I am not interested in engaging in another discussion about a school shooter that does not begin and end with discussing big Pharma and its clinical promotion of insanity. We are mass drugging children and conducting psychiatric experiments on them in classrooms across America.”

During the interview, Lemon questioned Owens’ viewpoints on language, particularly derogatory terms used towards gay people. Lemon played a clip from Owens’ past Dailywire show where she defended the use of the word “faggot” by its literal meaning of “a bundle of sticks.” He asked her if she thought it was appropriate to use the term in reference to gay people. Owens stood by her stance, stating, “When you start allowing perverts to dictate speech, then words just have to go away. And then they said you can no longer say this word that has a real meaning, because some pervert took that and threw it as an epithet towards gay people. I think that’s a wrong way of thinking.”

Lemon challenged Owens by pointing out that “language evolves over time” and shared how the term affected him personally. “When people say that word to me, they aren’t calling me a bundle of sticks,” he explained. Taking the conversation to a personal level, he asked if she would use the word towards him. Owens replied, “Why would I just randomly call you a f——? I’m a 35-year-old mother. I don’t go around saying, ‘Hey, you’re a f——!’ I’m not 18 years old.”

The exchange ended on a tense note when Owens called Lemon an “absurd human being” after he inquired if she was homophobic. Owens later shared her thoughts on social media. “Today I did Don Lemon’s podcast and he straight up asked me if I would ever look him in the face and call him a f*ggot,” she posted on X. “I just never thought he’d ask me a question like that so sincerely. These are remarkable times we’re living in.”

Source: Particle News