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Cate Blanchett Shines in Disappointing Borderlands Video Game Adaptation

New depths… (clockwise from bottom left): Kevin Hart, Cate Blanchett, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Munteanu and Jamie Lee Curtis in Borderlands. Photograph: AP

Video game movie adaptations have often been hit-or-miss, with many missing the mark dramatically. Eli Roth’s reshoot-heavy installment, Borderlands, unfortunately joins the latter category. This film is so poorly executed that even Jack Black’s infuriating robot voice isn’t its most annoying element; that dubious honor goes to Ariana Greenblatt, whose high-pitched giggles and overly cute improvised explosive devices come off as intolerable.

The special effects leave much to be desired, making viewers wonder if the entire post-production budget was spent on perfecting Cate Blanchett’s cheekbones rather than on enhancing the film’s visuals. The movie’s lack of coherence is so severe that it almost feels like a work of the notorious director Uwe Boll.

Cate Blanchett stars as a weary bounty hunter, recruited by an interstellar oligarch to save his kidnapped daughter. Throughout the film, Blanchett’s steely glare suggests she’s counting down the moments until she can walk away from this role, armed with her multi-barrelled space weapon.

Watch a trailer for Borderlands.

Source: AP