Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category News

Protestors supporting Palestine set up camp at UT Dallas

Pro-Palestinian protestors at the University of Texas at Dallas launched an encampment in Chess Plaza seeking a response from the administration. The group wants UTD to divest from Israel-linked companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. This is the first encampment…

Pro-Palestinian campus protests turn violent

Groups of protesters clashed at UCLA, Columbia, and the University of Arizona over pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli views, leading to arrests and confrontations with police. Tent encampments calling for divestment from Israel have spread across the US, with crackdowns on some…

United Methodists lift ban on LGBTQ clergy

Delegates at the United Methodist Church voted to repeal the ban on LGBTQ clergy, with overwhelming support. The church voted 692-51 to remove the rule banning “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from being ordained or appointed. The change comes after some conservative…

Expiring Federal Internet Discount Available Now

Dan Drljaca, a resident of a Wisconsin town lacking stoplights, relied on a government program that discounted his $65 broadband service. Now, with the program ending, he represents one of 23 million households facing increased internet costs. Despite efforts to…