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Cher’s Son Refuses Guardianship Requested by Mother: “I Am Not Mentally Ill”

The legendary singer Cher is in the middle of a legal battle with her son, Elijah Blue Allman, over her intention to establish temporary guardianship over him. The 77-year-old star’s request stems from his concern for the well-being of his son, who has faced struggles with addiction and supposedly suffers from mental health. However, Elijah has strongly opposed this move, claiming that he is capable of handling his own affairs and questioning his mother’s suitability for guardianship of him.

According to documents to which People had access, Allman filed a formal objection to the court on April 9. In his response, he argues against the petition that his mother has persistently filed on at least two occasions. The second attempt at temporary guardianship was denied by the Los Angeles Superior Court in January 2024.

”My mother’s request raises two situations: that I suffer from a mental illness and that I live from day to day using my trust payments to buy drugs and put myself in danger of death,” the newspaper quotes The Independent from the United Kingdom. “As I have mentioned in previous statements, it is true that I have struggled with addictions, but I’m not mentally ill.”

Additionally, Elijah, 47, assured the court that he has already begun to take charge of his estate by hiring an advisor and an accounting firm to help him with managing his finances.

The legal feud between mother and son has seen several phases, including the Los Angeles court’s denial of Cher’s request for temporary conservatorship on two occasions. The latest hearing, held on Jan. 29, came after another hearing on Jan. 5, in which the decision was postponed to allow Allman’s attorneys to better prepare her case.

In court, Cher’s lawyers made arguments about Elijah’s addiction problems and cited a schizoaffective disorder which, they say, has led to periods of psychosis and that Allman would not be controlling with medical treatment. They claim these conditions make Elijah too vulnerable to receive an upcoming payment from a trust set up by his father, the late Allman Brothers Band frontman Gregg Allman.

Cher is not seeking to directly control her son’s finances, according to her team’s arguments, but is willing to accept an agent assigned by the court for such work.

On the other hand, Elijah’s legal representatives have highlighted his efforts to remain sober, attending alcohol and drug sessions, obtaining treatment, and reconciling with his wife. Before the Jan. 5 hearing, the musician argued in a court filing that he had been sober for three months, attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and under the supervision of a doctor.

Likewise, they note that Allman is categorically opposed to Cher being the person in charge of his guardianship. “Under no circumstances would I be comfortable having my mother as a guardian,” according to documents cited by People. “While I understand that my mother believes she cares about my interests, and I appreciate her love and support, I do not need her help at this time.”

In one of the latest updates on the case, the Los Angeles Superior Court judge said she might consider a “more extensive, long-term conservatorship” at a future hearing. Meanwhile, this case continues to attract public attention due to the personalities involved and the complicated legal and personal issues at play.

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