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China’s New Blockbuster Sheds Light on Gig Economy Issues

SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) – One of the most talked-about movies in China this summer delves into some of the country’s most pressing economic woes: a shaky job market, downward mobility, and the tough life of millions working gig jobs.

“Upstream” tells the story of a middle-aged programmer who, after being laid off, struggles to find a white-collar job due to age discrimination and is forced into the risky food-delivery gig economy to support his family.

Directed by and starring Xu Zheng, known for his comedic roles, “Upstream” puts a spotlight on the low-paid scooter drivers dispatching packages for China’s leading on-demand food platforms, including Meituan. According to the movie-ticketing platform Maoyan, nearly 5 million people had watched the movie by Tuesday.

The film, which topped China’s box office upon its release last Friday, comes at a time when concerns about a deflationary economy and real-life pressures on delivery drivers are trending. Its focus on economic struggles stands in stark contrast to the usual genres of Chinese blockbusters, such as war films, historical dramas, or romances.

In China, more than 10 million delivery drivers work for Meituan and its largest competitor, Alibaba-owned These drivers have complained about long working hours and compensation that often amounts to less than $1 per delivery.

In “Upstream,” the competition between drivers and platforms is depicted as relentless, leaving no time for breaks and creating dangerous incentives to take shortcuts. Some workdays stretch beyond 14 hours.

“It’s a rather realistic depiction of the psyche of many Chinese people today,” remarked Ashley Dudarenok, a Hong Kong-based marketing consultant. Dudarenok noted that the current negative atmosphere is a stark departure from the optimism a decade ago. Back then, there was a strong underlying belief that the future would bring better economic opportunities. Today, however, that belief has dissipated.

The companies for which the drivers work are never explicitly identified in “Upstream.” However, the drivers wear canary-yellow helmets and uniforms closely resembling Meituan’s branding. A Meituan spokesperson stated that the company had no involvement in the movie and offered no comment on its depiction of the industry.

One of the production companies behind “Upstream” is a film subsidiary of Alibaba. Drivers in uniforms that resemble those of Alibaba’s service appear in the movie but are not central to the plot. Alibaba did not immediately comment when asked by Reuters.

Xu’s character, Gao Zhilei, along with two other drivers, is hit by vehicles as they scramble to avoid late-delivery penalties and keep up with robotic orders from an app. Gao also grapples with his loss of status, arguing with a security guard who directs him to the service entrance of a mall he used to shop at.

Clashes between drivers and security guards are common on China’s streets. Recently, in Hangzhou, an incident where a driver jumped a barrier to make a delivery and ended up kneeling beside a security guard sparked sharp online reactions.

Xu, speaking at the film’s premiere, noted he had tried to “convey hope and warmth” by showing audiences “a day in the life of a delivery worker.” He did not immediately respond to further requests for comment.

Some online reviews have praised “Upstream” for highlighting a social issue rarely addressed by recent films in China, which face stringent censorship. “It’s quite bold to tackle this subject,” noted one viewer on Douban, a Chinese online movie database similar to IMDb.

“This shows hard work alone won’t necessarily lead to a better life,” commented another user. “Avoiding marriage, not having children, and not buying a house might be the only way to achieve it.”

However, not everyone was impressed by the movie’s happy ending, which depicts Gao heroically making enough deliveries to cover overdue mortgage payments. “To make the movie more ‘entertaining,’ some authenticity has been sacrificed,” read a review on the social media platform Xiahongshu.

Delivery drivers interviewed by Reuters in Shanghai were ambivalent, saying they had no plans to see the movie in theaters but might watch it online when available for free. “It’s not an industry for a normal person,” said a 37-year-old driver surnamed Lin. “You have to race against time. Sometimes in the last minute or two before an order is overdue, you are racing with your life.”

Source: Reuters