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CM Punk Calls Himself ‘Taylor Swift for Men’ in Heartwarming WWE Tribute

After teasing his return to the WWE ring following his impactful match against Drew McIntyre where he left significant marks on McIntyre’s back with a leather strap, CM Punk surprised fans with a heartfelt promo. Rather than immediately accusing McIntyre of being evil, heartless, or a bully—okay, he eventually did—Punk took a moment to appreciate the unsung heroes of the WWE Universe. These are the fans who may not sell tons of tickets, make millions, or have their faces on billboards, but their unwavering support keeps the show alive.

Reflecting on his weekend at Fanatics Fest in New York City, Punk shared the stage with fans in Florida, acknowledging how their support fuels his passion for wrestling.

“We got a lot to get to, but is it great to be alive in South Florida on a Monday night or what? Happy Birthday! Before we get started, I just wanna say, congratulations to your Florida Panthers for winning the Stanley Cup Championship. I know Roberto Longo is in the house. It’s good to see him. And how do I look? My hair look okay? The bags under my eyes are getting a little bigger, right?” Punk asked the fans in Miami.

“Alright, let’s not get carried away. I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, because I have very exciting news, and I lie awake in bed staring at the ceiling excited to come here and share this news with you. But before we get to the news, before we get down to business, can I tell you a story? Y’all would have derailed this entire thing if you said ‘no,’ so I appreciate ya. Thank you very much. This weekend, I spent some time in New York City at a little event called Fanatics Fest. Somebody in the Green Room, in-between signing and taking pictures with a lot of you lovely fans, they ask me about this hot streak WWE is on right now – selling out buildings all over the world, and ask me why do you, CM Punk, think that you’re on such a hot streak? The answer is easy: It’s you.”

Punk continued to emphasize that the reason WWE is on a hot streak is because of the dedicated fans. “Why are we on a hot streak? It’s you. It’s you animals up in the 300-level. Why are we at such a hot streak? It’s all you freaks, right here, live and in living color. And I met a lot of great fans.”

He shared some heartfelt encounters with fans, including a young lady in a wheelchair who stood to tell him she overcame cancer, crediting Punk as a source of strength during her battle. Punk also met a fan from Taiwan who traveled 15 hours just to see him and another fan from Jordan who traveled 5,785 miles. “That means something to me,” Punk said. “It means something to every single person in the back. But it really means something to me because I missed you guys for 10 years.”

But Punk wasn’t done yet. Before the typical wrestling mic battle with McIntyre began, he delivered a line that has already taken the internet by storm.

“So I get excited to come here to Florida for the first time in a very long time to share with you some news. It’s fans like you that drive me. It’s fans like you that take the time. Why are we on such a hot streak? It’s because of the love. It’s because when fans hand me bracelets that they took the time to make, maybe it’s significant to other people, maybe a Taylor Swift thing, but let’s face it: I’m Taylor Swift for men,” Punk declared.

Punk elaborated on the significance of fan-made bracelets, drawing a comparison to the bracelet that Drew McIntyre took off his unconscious body during an attack in Chicago. He transitioned from the love he has for his fans to the animosity between him and McIntyre. “Drew says he hates me, I think he loves me, but I know he’s obsessed with me. Wants to stay connected to me. Wears a bracelet with my beautiful wife’s name on it.”

With that declaration, CM Punk positioned himself back on the babyface side, shedding his tweener or heel persona from recent weeks. This shift in character has intrigued fans, who are eager to witness the new “Eras” of Punk’s career. Whether at live events or watching from home, fans are the real winners in this ongoing saga.
