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Congress Honors 13 Troops Killed During Afghanistan Withdrawal with Medal

On Tuesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, Congress’ highest honor, to 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives during the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. This poignant ceremony was set against the backdrop of the ongoing debate around the political ramifications of that withdrawal.

Bipartisan agreement was evident in the decision to posthumously honor these troops, who were victims of a suicide bombing at Kabul’s Airport’s Abbey Gate in August 2021, which also claimed the lives of more than 170 Afghans. President Joe Biden had previously signed the relevant legislation into law in December 2021. During the remembrance event held in the Capitol Rotunda, leaders from both parties spoke respectfully of the sacrifices made by these service members.

During his remarks, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer urged those present to ensure that the sacrifices made by all servicemembers were honored and not forgotten. He emphasized the importance of caring for their families and upholding the principles of freedom and democracy that the fallen soldiers defended.

However, the ceremony diverged from its intended unifying tone as it unfolded against a backdrop of political tension regarding the circumstances surrounding the evacuation from Afghanistan. Johnson, who aligns with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, took the opportunity to blame the current administration for the chaotic withdrawal, stating, “They lost their lives because of this administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.”

As he opened the event, Johnson reiterated his criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of the situation. He expressed regret, saying, “To the families who are here, I know many of you have yet to hear these words, so I will say them: we are sorry.” He highlighted the need for accountability and transparency regarding the efforts taken to protect the troops at Abbey Gate and emphasized the ongoing support that families deserve.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee, controlled by Republicans, released a report on the withdrawal that criticized the Biden administration while downplaying Trump’s role in the situation. White House national security spokesman John Kirby rejected the report’s conclusions, calling it partisan and inaccurate. Kirby stated that evacuation plans had initiated well before the final withdrawal, noting the rapid pace of events leading to the fall of Kabul was unforeseen.

Top military personnel and White House officials attended the ceremony, including Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough and Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Reviews conducted by the Pentagon concluded that the suicide bombing was unavoidable, disputing claims that American troops could have intercepted the bomber.

Despite the findings, Trump has continued to highlight the withdrawal’s fallout, with some family members of the deceased servicemembers supporting his narrative. Recently, he appeared at a wreath-laying ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery, even amid restrictions on partisan activities at the site. Some Gold Star families defended Trump’s engagement and called for accountability regarding the leadership during the evacuation.

Coral Doolittle, a mother of one of the fallen troops, spoke on behalf of the Gold Star families at the ceremony, urging the public to honor and remember the names and stories of the 13 service members.

As the political debate continues, Trump and Republican leaders have sought to link Vice President Kamala Harris to the withdrawal, pointing to her presence during critical discussions. Nonetheless, investigations have not established significant influence exerted by her in the decision-making process related to the evacuation.

Republicans argue for accountability from both Biden and Harris regarding the botched withdrawal. Rep. Mike Lawler called for Harris to explain her role, reinforcing the call for transparency in leadership decisions surrounding the event.

In his role as committee chairman, Rep. Michael McCaul maintained that their investigation was driven by the truth rather than partisan motivations, claiming it exposed serious shortcomings in the Biden administration’s actions, which he described as fearful of the findings.

Overall, both Trump and Biden have faced scrutiny for the chaotic conclusion of the two-decade-long conflict, which allowed the Taliban to regain control of Afghanistan. Analysis suggests that Trump’s 2020 agreement with the Taliban to withdraw U.S. forces played a crucial role in the collapse of Afghan allied forces. Furthermore, Biden’s decision to proceed with the withdrawal catalyzed a swift change in the political landscape.

Rep. Gregory Meeks, the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, countered the Republican report, cautioning against the politicization of the withdrawal. He asserted that rather than focusing on gaining attention, the investigations should acknowledge the complexities underlying the decision-making process involved.

Source: AP News