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Craig Conover Shares His Baby Plans

In a recent interview, Paige DeSorbo shared that her boyfriend, Craig Conover, has expressed a desire to have a baby by the time he turns 40. Currently, Craig is 35, while Paige is 31. Paige humorously commented on Craig’s wish, saying, “When Craig’s ovaries come in, he can decide when he wants a baby.” Craig mentioned that if he doesn’t have a baby by 40, he might begin to feel some resentment.

Addressing Craig’s baby timeline, Paige said, “I love a timeline. I love people planning things out for their lives. I think babies are something that you really can’t plan. Also, I’m the one that has to have it, so I love that he has a timeline, but we will compromise and go by my timeline for a baby.” She further elaborated, saying, “I’m the one that will carry it for nine months, and my life and job will change, and literally nothing will change for him until the day I pop that kid out.” It’s clear the couple still has some discussions ahead concerning the timing of having children.

Paige humorously pointed out that she feels Craig can’t be trusted with major decisions. “I have to be in charge. If I wasn’t in charge, God knows where we would be,” she quipped. She further explained that without her guidance, the two might end up exploring the country in an RV.

Paige DeSorbo, Craig Conover-YouTube
Paige DeSorbo, Craig Conover-YouTube

Regarding the topic of engagement, Paige was candid about the absence of a proposal from Craig. She said, “Craig’s never asked me when I want to get engaged. So I kind of think about it in my own head of like, okay, well, if he’s not asking, then like, I’m going to proceed like I’m not going to just sit and wait or just be like, yeah, whatever you do what you want to do.” Despite this, Paige mentioned that she has always felt secure in her relationship with Craig.

Paige acknowledged Craig’s perspective, noting that she is not the stereotypical “lovey-dovey” girl. Craig has sometimes questioned whether she likes him, to which Paige playfully responded, “Do you wake up every day and say, does she hate me or not?” She finds this dynamic enjoyable and emphasized that Craig was aware of her personality when they started dating. Paige stated firmly that she wouldn’t apologize for being herself.

Paige shared that she shows her love for Craig in various ways, highlighting how she supports and defends him. “I like helping him through things,” Paige noted. She mentioned that before their relationship, Craig rarely called his parents, whereas now he calls them three times a week. Despite their untraditional relationship, it seems that Paige and Craig are moving in a positive direction.

For fans of the couple, don’t miss Southern Charm when it returns to Bravo with new episodes.

Source: Bravo, Instagram