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Cristian Castro and Girlfriend Ingrid Wagner’s Stunning Journey Captured in Photos

Shortly after the separation between Cristian Castro and Mariela Sanchez, the Mexican singer found a new love interest in Ingrid Warner. Castro is known for quickly moving from one relationship to another, often with plans for cohabitation, marriage, and formal introductions. Ingrid Warner, an Argentine lawyer, plastic artist, and mother of five children, is the latest woman to capture Castro’s heart.

Veronica Castro, Cristian’s mother, recently shared a photo of the couple on social media, referring to Ingrid as his “beautiful girlfriend.” The couple has been seen attending public events together, with Ingrid openly expressing her love for Castro on social media. Despite facing rumors of a breakup, Ingrid denied any issues and confirmed that they are still very much together.

Details about how Cristian and Ingrid met are unknown, but the couple has been traveling and attending events together, showcasing their love for each other. In a recent trip to London, Ingrid shared moments of their love and adventures on social media, thanking Castro for unforgettable memories. The couple is enjoying their time together, visiting different cities and creating beautiful memories.

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