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Dale!, Dale!: Border Residents Unite Through Sporting Event

In order to demonstrate that borders are not only physical and political barriers, but can also be a means of connection and enjoyment, residents of Mexico and the United States came together this afternoon at the border between Sunland Park and Ciudad Juárez for a baseball event called “Dale!, Dale!”.

“This event is something I have always dreamed of, seeing both sides united without borders. That’s the power of sports, we have many Mexican players in the US, Latinos from all over. An event like this means a lot,” expressed Ángel Jesús Marín, a resident born in El Paso to parents from Juarez.

Surrounded by the border wall, hills, and the Rio Grande, the residents of Ciudad Juárez and the neighboring border cities in Texas and New Mexico participated in a unique activity of throwing balls from one side of the border to the other, symbolizing unity and community despite the physical barriers.

Students from the Orientarte Youth Promotion Center and the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez took part in the event, which was organized by the civil association Sister City Association of Garden Grove, the office of the Municipality of Juárez in the United States, and the Special and Transitional Commission of Binational Cities.

Officials from the Municipal Institute of Sports and Physical Culture, along with firefighters and police officers, were also present to ensure the safety of the participants and attendees during the event, which aimed to foster a cordial and lasting relationship between the neighboring communities.

“We are here on the actual border, showcasing our community spirit and the positive interactions between our two countries. This event highlights the potential for collaboration and unity between Mexico and the US,” remarked Juan Acevedo, a representative of the Municipal Government in the United States.

Following a symbolic circle between the two countries near the Casa de Adobe museum, participants sang the national anthems of Mexico and the United States before engaging in the sporting activities.

“We want to convey a strong message that our border is vibrant and successful, despite occasional challenges. This event is a testament to what can be achieved through collaboration between the two countries,” emphasized a municipal official.

Tania Maldonado, coordinator of the Special and Transitional Commission of Binational Cities, highlighted that the participation of students from both sides of the border was not only a sports exchange but also a demonstration of the positive relationships that can be fostered between the neighboring countries.

“Nothing but a metal barrier divides us here, allowing us to come together for this friendly event,” she explained, referring to the border wall located near the Casa de Adobe museum that serves as a symbolic reminder of the political boundary between Mexico and the US.

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