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Dame Dash’s Roc-A-Fella Share Auction Delayed Due to Child Support Concerns

Dame Dash’s Roc-A-Fella share auction has been delayed after a judge raised concerns over unpaid child support.

Billboard reports that the auction, originally scheduled for Thursday (Aug. 29), has now been postponed to Saturday (Sept. 21). New York State wants a portion of the proceeds from the sale.

Federal Judge Robert W. Lehrburger informed Dash that he owes $197,000 in unpaid child support to NYC. The state also wants funds from the sale to help settle part of his $8.7 million tax debt. Judge Lehrburger mentioned that the delay would allow film producer Josh Webber to increase the asking price for Dash’s stake in Roc-A-Fella Records.

The outlet reports that Webber has already taken steps to make an agreement with the city and the state regarding the sale. However, Dash’s attorney claims they were not informed about the new agreement.

Attorney Natraj Bhushan spoke to Billboard about his client and Webber’s new deal, stating, “We look forward to the upcoming court conference so that all interested parties can be heard and the court can decide who gets what, and in what priority from the forthcoming public auction.”

TMZ previously reported that the legal team for The Blueprint 2 emcee filed a notice stating that, regardless of the sale of Dash’s share, Reasonable Doubt will revert to Jay-Z in 2031. The outlet clarified that the legal implications are not new but are part of the original deal from 1996.

Dash has expressed frustration with the obstacles blocking the sale, particularly those posed by Jay-Z and his team. Following the legal filing, Dame took to Instagram to voice his determination to sell his share.

“They can say what they want, this sh*t is still for sale,” read Dame Dash’s post. “You’re not buying a copyright, you’re buying a piece of a company, ROC A FELLA INC. Please, only serious inquiries!”

Look through the posts above.

Source: Billboard, TMZ