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DNC Audience Chants Celebrated America; RNC Focused on Trump Show

Kamala Harris stood in front of American flags at the DNC, while Donald Trump appeared before a Broadway-style display of his name at the RNC.

The Democratic and Republican National Conventions wrapped up this week, officially nominating former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris as their respective party candidates for the upcoming election.

Amidst partisan speeches and celebrity appearances, the decorations and atmosphere of each convention highlighted the distinct priorities and identities of both parties as they prepared for a competitive election season.

Christian Grose, a political scientist at the University of Southern California, provided insights into how the staging and audience engagement at the conventions reflected significant differences between the candidates and their followers.

Grose pointed out, “Harris’ backdrop contained more traditional American imagery, whereas Trump’s stage was dominated by Trump-centric visuals. That’s an important distinction.”

Supporters at the RNC showcased their loyalty to Trump by wearing bandages on their ears to symbolize solidarity following an assassination attempt just days before the event. The imagery surrounding Trump included his defiant pose after the incident, prominently displayed on posters and merchandise throughout the venue.

The most pronounced difference between the two conventions lay in their stage designs. During the DNC on August 22, Harris spoke in front of a row of American flags, while Trump dominated the RNC stage on July 18, standing before an eye-catching Broadway-style display of his name illuminated in lights.

Donald Trump at RNC
Former President Donald Trump stands prominently at the RNC under lights showcasing his name.

Grose observed, “The Republican Convention did feature American flags and patriotic symbols, but the focus was unmistakably on Trump himself.” This aligns with Trump’s political branding, reminiscent of his initial presidential campaign when he claimed he was the only candidate capable of ‘saving America’ and ‘draining the swamp’ in Washington DC.

In contrast, the DNC’s presentation emphasized themes of American exceptionalism, with Grose stating that the Democrats appeared to be “reclaiming” patriotic symbols historically associated with Republican events.

Kamala Harris on DNC Stage
Kamala Harris delivered her speech at the DNC, backed by American flags.

“Freedom and flags could resonate with the 2004 Republican convention and would not seem out of place,” Grose noted. “The Democrats effectively presented their ideals within that context.”

The audience’s signs at each convention also highlighted stark contrasts, gaining traction on social media and drawing attention from major publications.

RNC Signs
RNC attendees displayed signs such as “Mass Deportation Now!” during the convention.

At the RNC, participants held banners with slogans like “Make America Strong Again!” and “American Oil From American Soil,” along with more aggressive phrases, including “Mass Deportation Now!” and “Stop Biden’s Border Bloodbath.”

In summary, the messaging at the RNC emphasized Republican priorities such as immigration and job creation, resonating with a more negative tone overall, according to Grose.

RNC Negative Messaging
A sign reading “Stop Biden’s Border Bloodbath” was prominently featured at the RNC.

“In contrast, the Democratic Convention conveyed a message of joy, hope, and a positive outlook for the future,” Grose remarked. This optimism was evident in the signage and overall atmosphere at the DNC.

Delegates at the DNC proudly displayed supportive messages like “Union Yes!” and “We Love Joe Biden,” alongside simpler slogans like “USA.”

DNC Supportive Signs
Delegates at the DNC gathered with signs reading “Union Yes!” on the first day of the convention.

While Trump’s image was ubiquitous at the RNC, Harris featured less prominently at the DNC. However, any appearances of her often carried the message “Forward” or alluded to Barack Obama’s famous “Hope” poster.

Her husband, Doug Emhoff, was also highlighted with posters such as “Doug for First Mensch,” but there was no similar visibility for Melania Trump at the RNC.

Grose discussed the impact of positive and negative messaging on voters, stating that while negative messaging can resonate, people typically gravitate towards positive themes at conventions. This year, while the RNC did touch on themes of unity, the Democrats overall maintained a more uplifting message.

Positive DNC Signs
Delegates raised signs with “USA” and showcased a poster of Kamala Harris during the DNC.

“Positive signage can uplift voters and inspire motivation,” Grose explained. “This can be especially influential for undecided voters or those feeling lukewarm about the candidates, as encouraging imagery may sway them in a favorable direction.”

Source: Business Insider