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DNC Enlists Obama, Clinton to Mislead Voters About Harris; Democrats in Disarray.

The Democratic Party’s current situation can be likened to a scene from “The Wizard of Oz.” In this classic tale, when Dorothy and her companions finally arrive at the Emerald City, they discover that the awe-inspiring “great and powerful Oz” is merely an elderly man operating behind a curtain, feigning omnipotence.

“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,” the old man shouts, yet his plea goes unheeded.

As the Democratic National Convention gathers on Monday, one crucial piece of advice for voters is to disregard the flashy rhetoric and instead examine what lies beneath it all.

The DNC organizers will make every effort to present an appealing show. However, at its core, this is a façade. The Democratic Party is promoting policies that could potentially harm American citizens.

Prominent figures like President Joe Biden and former presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are scheduled to address the convention on Monday night. Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton will take the stage on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. Meanwhile, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, the vice presidential nominee, is set to follow Clinton, with presidential nominee Kamala Harris concluding the convention on Thursday night.

By showcasing these well-spoken and charismatic leaders from the past, the DNC aims to send a clear and enticing message: support us, and you’ll have this caliber of leadership.

Yet, the current Harris-Walz ticket diverges significantly from the legacies of Clinton and Obama. When it comes to substance and policy, they are lacking in comparison.

Harris’s economic plan, for example, claims it will make groceries and housing more affordable for voters. However, this rhetoric should be approached with skepticism.

In the realms of charisma and presentation, neither Harris nor Walz can match the appeal of their predecessors. The DNC seems to hope that by featuring high-profile Democratic speakers, they can evoke enough nostalgia surrounding the Clinton and Obama eras to distract voters from the inadequacies of Harris and Walz.

The past month has laid bare the disarray within the Democratic Party. Joe Biden was sidelined amid growing concerns regarding his fitness to run, particularly as polls suggested he was likely to face defeat against former President Donald Trump.

In an unusual turn of events, without participating in a single primary, Harris was quickly elevated to the role of the party’s nominee. This rapid ascension underscores a remarkable shift in the landscape of modern American politics, one that Democrats are pushing ahead with, seemingly without time for integrity in the process.

Harris’s selection of Walz, a staunchly liberal governor from one of the nation’s most progressive states, adds a veneer of optimism. Together, they project an image of harmony and stability amid an otherwise tumultuous endeavor.

Nevertheless, it is crucial not to be misled. The Democratic Party has consistently downplayed its internal strife.

Their proposed policies, touted as being for the best interest of the middle class and lower-income households, are fundamentally flawed. If enacted, these far-left initiatives would likely result in increased government spending and taxes, which could be detrimental to many Americans’ financial well-being.

Even as the DNC presents a polished image, one can expect they’ll spin a positive narrative about their internal complications.

How can we be so sure? Since Biden struggled during his debates against Trump back in June, an orchestrated effort to portray a favorable image of the party has been underway.

Time magazine even published a cover featuring a hopeful depiction of Harris, headlined “HER MOMENT,” without her needing to give an interview.

In contrast, Trump’s media portrayals can often be less flattering. For instance, a recent headline in Vanity Fair asked, “Does Anyone Know What Donald Trump Is Talking About Anymore?”

The disparity in media treatment of Harris and Trump raises eyebrows. While Trump has significant shortcomings, it is argued that he remains a better option for America compared to Harris.

This media bias evokes imagery from “Gladiator,” where the character Commodus arrives in Rome in a grandiose manner, despite his unearned accolades. In today’s landscape, the Democratic Party’s nominee seems to require no achievements or interviews to be hailed as a leader.

The upcoming DNC promises to be filled with charismatic speakers, but behind this painted curtain lies a party engulfed in turmoil, striving to sell a vision that aligns with far-left policies as solutions to America’s issues.