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DNC: Harris Campaign Dismisses Trump and Pundits—It’s Working.

Last week’s Democratic National Convention was a turning point for the party, especially following Kamala Harris’s entry as the presidential nominee. With this change, the Democrats shifted their approach, no longer cowering in fear of Donald Trump and his perceived invincibility. Instead, they began to treat Trump as a candidate burdened by a plethora of issues, transforming their campaign into one that embraces confidence and assertiveness.

This newfound attitude was evident during the convention, where attendees realized they were dealing with a sitting vice president and a dynamic former prosecutor who reflects American values much more authentically than Trump does. The contrast between Harris and the former president became stark as the Democrats decided to embrace a more aggressive strategy, presenting Trump as an unserious candidate rather than an electoral titan.

Harris’s nomination speech encapsulated this change. She directly labeled Trump as “an unserious man” while drawing attention to his history of anti-democratic behavior, including the events of January 6, 2021, and his pattern of denying election results. Despite Trump’s active engagement on social media during her speech, posting bizarre queries about President Joe Biden’s son and questioning whether he was the topic of discussion, Harris presented him not as a formidable opponent but rather as a washed-up figure whose antics have become stale.

Moreover, the Democrats framed the real threats as the policies that a Trump presidency could usher in. They pointed to alarming plans developed by Trump’s allies that could reshape governance in extreme ways, reflecting a potential disregard for the established political norms. The message conveyed was clear: rather than viewing Trump as a powerful adversary, he is depicted as unstable enough to push through harmful policies suggested by those surrounding him.

This strategy of dismissing Trump rather than engaging directly with his rhetoric is a calculated move by the Harris campaign. It deflects Trump’s attempts to dominate the narrative with his typical distractions, effectively rendering him powerless in the political conversation. By ignoring his provocations, the Democrats are not giving Trump the responses he thrives on, thus neutralizing one of his most effective tools.

The convention also showcased the Harris campaign’s resolve not to succumb to pressure from media pundits, whether conservative or liberal. They strategically invited a range of influencers and creatives to participate, effectively leveraging alternative platforms to spread their message directly to the public without traditional media filters. This unconventional approach allows them to communicate with voters on their own terms, distancing themselves from mainstream narratives that often attempt to normalize Trump’s erratic behavior.

Recent incidents reflect the absurdity of how Trump’s statements are presented. For example, his claim that his administration would “be great for women and their reproductive rights” was met with a headline that suggested he was trying to position himself as a supporter of abortion rights. This was a glaring contradiction, considering his history of appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned Roe v. Wade and his party’s agenda, which includes advocating for a national abortion ban.

The treatment of Trump’s comments by major news outlets further illustrates the challenge faced by Democrats. Media tends to sanitize his statements and promote them as credible, despite an overwhelming amount of evidence highlighting his inconsistency and the falsities he spreads. The Harris campaign seems well aware of this manipulation, responding by asserting that they will communicate directly with the voters and expect accountability from their opponents.

The Democratic Party’s stance is that they will not merely follow the narrative shaped by Trump or traditional media. Instead, they adopt a proactive position, delivering their policy proposals and expecting Trump to elaborate on his positions as well. The Harris campaign highlights its own commitment to transparency while pointing out the double standards present when it comes to policy discussions.

During the convention, the Harris-Walz campaign demonstrated its strategy of focusing on its campaign’s core messages while simultaneously diminishing the potency of Trump’s antics. This tactical shift towards presenting themselves as the rational and serious alternative to an opponent who often behaves childishly is a wise approach, especially in a climate where traditional media may not challenge Trump as it should.

As the campaign progresses, the effectiveness of this strategy will likely become even clearer. For now, the Democrats seem poised to navigate the tumultuous political landscape by emphasizing their strengths and challenging Trump’s weaknesses boldly. This refreshing approach may well resonate with voters weary of the chaos and division that have characterized recent elections.

Source: USA Today