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Donald Trump Lauds Hungary’s PM Viktor Orbán at Debate: Who Is He?

During a recent presidential debate, former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a heated exchange regarding Trump’s reputation among world leaders. Harris suggested that international figures were “laughing” at Trump, a statement that challenged the former president’s assertions of respect and acclaim on the global stage.

Harris responded to Trump’s continued and unfounded claims about winning the 2020 election against President Joe Biden. She noted that some world leaders do not view Trump as positively as he believes. “I have traveled the world as vice president of the United States,” Harris explained, “and world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump.” She further recounted conversations with military leaders who expressed their opinions about Trump, calling him “a disgrace.”

In his defense, Trump quickly shifted the conversation to Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, implying that Orbán appreciated his administration’s approach. “They call him a strong man. He’s a tough person,” Trump remarked about Orbán, a controversial figure criticized for limiting press freedom and political opposition in his country.

Trump shared that Orbán claimed, “the most respected, most feared person is Donald Trump. We had no problems when Trump was president,” and characterized President Biden as a “weak, pathetic man.”

Throughout the debate, Trump has shown admiration for various authoritarian leaders, including Vladimir Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of China. This admiration has been a point of contention for Harris and other Democratic leaders, particularly in light of Trump’s remarks about wanting to be a “dictator” on the first day of a potential second presidency. Trump has justified this statement by explaining that it pertains to using executive power to address border issues and expand the American energy sector.

Harris positioned herself as a guardian of democracy during the debate, consistently framing Trump as a threat to democratic values, especially in the context of the January 6, 2021, Capitol Riot. She emphasized her dedication to protecting democratic principles throughout the debate.

As both candidates defined their visions and approaches, the discussion revealed the sharp contrasts between them, particularly regarding their views on leadership and governance. Harris’ comments served to underscore the risks she associates with Trump’s style of leadership, which she believes undermines the democratic fabric of the nation.

The debate, which attracted significant attention, was set to stream live on various platforms for viewers to witness the contentious exchanges firsthand. The focus on international perceptions and the implications of Trump’s leadership style made for a compelling and provocative discussion.

As the race for the presidency intensifies, the debates will likely continue to highlight the differences between Trump and Harris, especially regarding their foreign policy outlooks and understanding of democratic principles.

Overall, this debate showcased not only the personal confrontations but also the broader ideological divide between the two candidates, providing voters with a clearer picture of where each candidate stands on critical issues.

Source: USA Today