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El Niño comes to an end: examining its impacts and anticipating potential outcomes with La Niña in the months ahead

The powerful El Niño weather phenomenon, along with climate change, has contributed to the recent rise in global temperatures. Scientists from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology announced that El Niño has ended, with the Pacific Ocean cooling substantially based on recent data. The US NOAA also predicted the end of El Niño between April and June.

Last year’s El Niño episode brought warmer waters to the surface of the Pacific, leading to record-breaking global temperatures. The impact of El Niño on global warming will be more evident in the coming months as experts analyze recent high temperatures.

El Niño, a climate pattern that occurs every few years, involves warmer waters off the coast of Peru and can lead to droughts and floods worldwide. This phenomenon, part of the ENSO pattern, consists of warm El Niño, neutral conditions, and the cold La Niña phase.

The 2023 El Niño peaked in December, causing global temperatures to soar. Now, as El Niño ends, scientists are debating the potential emergence of La Niña. Australian meteorologists warn of unpredictable ocean conditions, with a possible neutral phase lasting until July.

La Niña, the counterpart to El Niño, could lead to an active hurricane season in the Atlantic and slow the pace of global warming. The timing and intensity of both phenomena remain uncertain, impacting weather patterns worldwide.

Experts are unsure of the precise causes of El Niño and La Niña, although changes in air pressure over the equatorial Pacific play a key role. Wind patterns, solar activity variations, and ocean surface temperatures contribute to the formation of these climate patterns.

As El Niño and La Niña continue to affect global climate, scientists monitor their development using advanced models and satellite observations. The unpredictability of these phenomena underscores the need for ongoing research to enhance climate change predictions.

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