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Emma Watson Seen Kissing New Boyfriend Kieran Brown

Emma Watson doesn’t shy away from a little public display of affection. The actress has been spotted sharing a kiss with her new beau, Kieran Brown, a PhD student at Oxford University. The couple was seen at a bakery near the university, enjoying their time together. Watson, who is also pursuing a part-time master’s degree at Oxford, seems to have a soft spot for academics.

According to an onlooker who spoke to, “They were chatting together in the line. They seemed to have quite a nice vibe. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, apart from when she ordered — she got an espresso, a cake, and a juice, or something similar. She didn’t seem to be trying to hide herself, she was just in line with him normally. Nobody really reacted to her, but I could see people in the shop recognized her.”

A source told The Sun U.K., “Emma is studying creative writing, and his thesis is all about literary theory — so they have a lot to talk about. She looks so loved-up with Kieran.”

Emma Watson, an environmental activist, has successfully balanced her academic and professional careers before. She previously studied at Brown University and even worked at the UN as an ambassador for gender equality while sitting on the G7 advisory board for women’s rights. Despite leaving Brown, Watson denied that it was due to bullying related to her acting career.

“It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied,” she shared with Sunday Times Style Magazine. “It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite. I’ve never even been asked for an autograph on campus. I threw a party for nearly 100 students and not a single person put a photo on Facebook.”

She added, “Anyway, even if I was being given a hard time, I wasn’t going to wuss out of university because someone said ‘Wingardium leviosa’ to me in a corridor, or ‘Ten points for Gryffindor.’ I’ve been dealing with the media since I was nine. If I can’t stand up to a few people giving me a hard time, it’s a bit pathetic, really. I’ve had so much worse.” Watson explained that she left the university because of the unwanted attention. “I was in denial,” she said. “I wanted to pretend I wasn’t as famous as I was. I was trying to seek out normality, but I kind of have to accept who I am, the position I’m in and what happened.”

This appears to be Watson’s first significant relationship since her split from her ex-boyfriend, Brandon Green, in 2023, following 18 months of dating. The two were first linked in September 2021 when they were photographed disembarking from a helicopter overseas. Much of their relationship was spent internationally.

Source:, The Sun U.K., Sunday Times Style Magazine