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Eugenio Derbez expresses offense over Lenny Kravitz’s message to Alessandra in Mexico News

The Impartial / Shows / Alessandra Rosaldo

Eugenio Derbez’s wife took a photo with Lenny Kravitz while she was in Mexico.

By Agencies

April 15, 2024

Mexico City.- Eugenio Derbez revealed the anecdote he experienced with his wife Alessandra Rosaldo when he asked for a photo Lenny Kravitz when he was in Mexico.

In interview for Windowing the actor told what that meeting with Kravitz meant to his wife, especially her reaction to seeing that Lenny He responded to his Instagram story.

Yes, and he left me. We were here having dinner, and suddenly one of the assistants told us, because she had already told me: ‘hey, Lenny Kravitz is at the hotel’, and I said ‘yes’, she told me ‘but a photo, get me a photo’ “I told him ‘my love, I’m not going to talk to the management so they can knock on the door’, and suddenly we were having dinner an assistant told him ‘Lenny Kravitz is in the elevators’… he left me.”

He began his story.

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Joking about the surprising encounter, Eugenio He added: “Half dinner was worth it, she left… she didn’t come back all night… I didn’t hear from her until the other day… No, she did stand up very excited, she took her photo, and it was super cute, huh, super, super pleasant. She told me Ale that it was a very nice experience.”

True to his style, Eugenio He couldn’t help but speak out when the reporter from the TV show TV Azteca he told him that Kravitz He confessed on his networks to Alessandra that it was a pleasure for him when he met her.

“When he responded, I was even more offended because, very carried away, one thing is that you show off a photo, and then that’s it… but hey, it’s Lenny Kravitz and he is forgiven, he is allowed,” he added with a smile, finishing the anecdote.

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