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Expert: Meghan Markle’s Recent Body Language Resembled Another Famous Royal

Meghan Markle’s tour of Colombia was filled with memorable moments and delightful surprises. Among the highlights, the Duchess of Sussex and her husband, Prince Harry, showcased their impressive salsa dancing skills. During their visit to Colegio La Giralda, Markle paid a touching tribute to her son, Archie. She also made some standout fashion choices that included a special nod to Princess Diana.

Interestingly, there’s a notable detail that may have gone unnoticed, and it relates to Markle’s outfits. Body language expert Darren Stanton analyzed the royal’s appearances during her South America tour, noting a fascinating parallel between her style choices and those of Queen Camilla.

One might recall that Markle stepped out in all-white ensembles on multiple occasions, such as her white shirt and hand-embroidered midi skirt at Unidad Recreativa El Vallado, and her white blouse paired with a patterned white skirt at the Inclusive Rehabilitation Center. According to Stanton, Markle might have been drawing inspiration from Queen Camilla, who frequently opts for white during major events. (For instance, Queen Camilla wore a white dress to the Women’s Singles Quarterfinal at Wimbledon last month.)

Speaking on behalf of Betfair Roulette, Stanton commented, “She was wearing white and could be taking inspiration from Queen Camilla, who often opts for white during engagements.”

He continued, “The color white attracts positive energy and calmness, but also makes a statement. Meghan has proved she feels self-assured, competent, and able to assert herself.”

This observation aligns with the way both royals carry themselves—with quiet confidence and grace. However, Markle’s subtle tribute to the queen wasn’t the only thing Stanton pointed out. During her appearance on the Afro Women and Power Panel, where she also wore white, her body language suggested she was completely “at ease.”

Stanton elaborated, “When we saw Meghan speaking on the panel, she came across as calm and collected, while being completely authentic. It’s probably been the most honest and open display we’ve seen from Meghan for a long time. Throughout, she’s congruent with her body language and facial expressions. We’ve been exposed to a very confident side of Meghan, as she displayed no signs of hesitation or feeling tension.”

Stanton added, “Meghan feels at home on this stage. She’s speaking so openly. When we analyze her tone of voice, it’s steady, consistent, and low. It doesn’t change too much, telling us she’s comfortable and at ease.”

Unwavering confidence and white outfits? The Queen would totally approve.

Source: Betfair, Getty Images