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Flip Flops on the Red Carpet, ‘Beetlejuice’ Cosplayers, Irate Journalists

The opening day of the Venice Film Festival was dominated by Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice. The red carpet was glittering with stars like Monica Bellucci and Catherine O’Hara. Michael Keaton spent the day enjoying himself, pointing his iPhone at fans and capturing the moments. Cosplayers dressed as characters from Beetlejuice filled the red carpet and even the press room. Winona Ryder wore a dress inspired by the film, but the young crowd went wild for Jenna Ortega, who arrived in a stunning red outfit. Lido-mania has truly set in at the festival.

The Venice press was notably frustrated by the lack of junkets and authorized interviews. German journalist Mariam Schaghaghi from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung confronted Alberto Barbera during a press conference about this issue. Barbera, however, claimed ignorance about the situation, explaining that the availability of talent for interviews often depends on distributors, who usually prefer to concentrate publicity efforts around the time films are released later in the year.

The screening room for Alfonso Cuaron’s Apple+ series Disclaimer wasn’t spared from drama either. Starring Cate Blanchett, Kevin Kline, and Sacha Baron Coen—virtually unrecognizable in a serious role—the preview showed three episodes back-to-back, a total of 180 minutes nonstop. However, the room emptied quickly after the second episode. It seemed the audience found three consecutive episodes too long to endure, or maybe the series just didn’t meet their expectations.

The evening concluded with a rather peculiar sight on the red carpet. Jim Simpson, husband of Sigourney Weaver—who was honored with the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement—appeared in white plastic flip-flops. Combining flip-flops with socks on the red carpet was an unexpected twist, leaving many to wonder the reason behind it. Was it a new fashion statement, or had he simply forgotten his shoes? The real answer remains a mystery.

Source: PMC