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Haley Joel Osment Shares His Admiration for “Sixth Sense” Costar Bruce Willis

It’s been 25 years since 10-year-old Haley Joel Osment captivated audiences with his chilling performance in The Sixth Sense. The line “I see dead people” became embedded in our memories, leaving an indelible mark.

Haley Joel featured alongside Bruce Willis in the blockbuster film, during a time when Bruce’s career was at its zenith. Despite his towering stardom, Bruce made it a point to dedicate quality time to his young co-star, showcasing a genuine camaraderie that was rare to find.

In a recent interview with People, Haley Joel revealed how Bruce took him under his wing during filming, becoming a mentor and a friend. “He’s always going to be what a movie star is in my mind,” said Haley Joel, now 36. “And having that charisma and gravitas, and being able to come onto a set and to work with a 10-year-old, and to be really generous with his time — I got very lucky.”

Despite his immense fame, Bruce Willis had a grounded approach, making sure Haley Joel felt like an equal on set. Haley Joel shared, “To see someone like Bruce do that, that’s really been inspiring to me. That whatever position you have in the industry, everybody is on the same page.”

This inclusive and respectful attitude left a lasting impression on Haley Joel. Looking back, he feels that the experience not only impacted him as a child actor but also helped shape the mentor he aspires to be for younger talents in the industry.

Sadly, Bruce Willis, now 69, was diagnosed with aphasia in 2022, and it was later discovered that he has frontotemporal dementia. Though he has lost his ability to communicate, the legacy of his kindness and mentorship continues to live on.

Reflecting on the profound impact Bruce had on him, Haley Joel said, “I carry with me a lot of the things that I learned from Bruce into the stuff that I do today. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had as an actor.”

This story’s featured image is by Everett Collection via Shutterstock.

Source: InspireMore, People