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Harris: Values ‘Not Changed’ Despite Shifting Policy Stances in CNN Interview

Vice President Kamala Harris recently sat down for her first significant interview since becoming the 2024 Democratic presidential nominee. In the conversation, she emphasized that her “values have not changed,” even though some of her positions on key issues have evolved over time.

During the interview with CNN, Harris discussed her ongoing policy perspectives alongside her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, while they were on a bus tour in Georgia. Amidst increasing pressure to clarify her political platform, Harris acknowledged that she has altered some of her earlier stances on topics like energy and immigration.

One notable shift has been regarding the controversial practice of hydraulic fracking. Back in 2019, during her initial presidential campaign, Harris expressed her support for a ban on fracking. She also had supported the Green New Deal, advocating for significant environmental reforms while serving as a senator in California. However, Harris’s 2024 campaign has clarified that she no longer supports a ban on fracking, which has been instrumental in boosting domestic energy production, particularly in states like Texas and Pennsylvania.

In the CNN interview, Harris reiterated her commitment to addressing climate change, pointing to her previous support for the Green New Deal. “I have always believed – and I have worked on it – that the climate crisis is real,” Harris stated emphatically during the interview. “It is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time.”

Transitioning to immigration, Harris maintained that her core values surrounding border security remain unchanged. Throughout her campaign, she has advocated for a bipartisan immigration bill that, despite its failures, aimed to expand detention capacity and increase the number of green-card-eligible visas issued each year over the next five years. This approach still included measures that could complicate the process for individuals seeking asylum.

Additionally, Harris discussed her vision of being a president for all Americans. This aligns with President Biden’s message and emphasizes inclusivity in governance. She remarked on the importance of diversity in decision-making, expressing her willingness to appoint Republicans to her Cabinet if elected. “I have spent my career inviting diversity of opinion,” she said, underscoring the value of varied perspectives in the policy-making process.

Harris believes that having a member of her Cabinet from the Republican Party could benefit the American public by bringing in different views and experiences to the table, especially when significant decisions are made.

As she moves forward in her candidacy, Harris will need to navigate the scrutiny of her evolving positions while reaffirming her foundational values, which she insists remain unchanged. The upcoming months will be crucial for defining her platform and ensuring clarity to voters as the election approaches.