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Heartbreaking Facts About Howie Mandel

Howie Mandel has been open about his life with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), though this wasn’t always the case. Despite experiencing OCD symptoms for much of his life, the “America’s Got Talent” judge was only officially diagnosed in his 40s. Initially hesitant, Mandel sought treatment through medication and therapy but didn’t want anyone to know about his struggle.

“I was embarrassed that I had this problem, and when you have a mental health problem, there is a stigma,” he revealed to Today. Over time, he realized the importance of sharing his experience, understanding that his openness could positively impact others. “The more people that talk about it, the wider that safety net gets thrown for all of us,” he reflected.

Managing OCD is a lifelong challenge for Mandel since there is no cure. “The word ‘suffer’ is not even strong enough,” he told USA Today, highlighting how OCD forces an intense focus on fears, leading to repetitive behaviors. For Mandel, a fear of germs can make mundane activities like shaking hands a trigger. “If I think I got a germ on my hand, I can’t think or hear anything else,” he shared, describing how he would continuously wash his hands to the point of obsession. “It’s just this vicious, dark circle, and it makes you unproductive, unhappy, depressed,” he added. Inside his mind, it often feels like “a war zone.”

Through his openness, Mandel hopes to destigmatize mental health issues and encourage others to talk about their experiences. By expanding the conversation, he believes more people will find the support they need.

Source: Today, USA Today