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“Here, women don’t count,” says Lupillo Rivera

During the recent elimination of The house of the famous, Lupillo Rivera faced Rodrigo Romeh due to differences they had inside the property. Thus, the singer did not hesitate to tell him what he did not think about the athlete. However, in his speech he made a statement against women that adds to other controversies that he has unleashed on this program.

“Romeh has been a pleasure playing with you, getting to know you, learning from you, teaching you new things,” he mentioned during the broadcast. “There are men’s codes, women don’t count here.”

This speech was not liked by Internet users, who did not hesitate to speak out in response to this comment from the interpreter of “Forgetting does not arrive.” “It’s sad what Lupillo Rivera said, what century we are in, ‘men’s code’ that is patriarchy, a men’s code in which women do not count. “Continue defending those attitudes, there is machismo and what they justify,” said one user.

Lupillo Rivera.

Adrian Monroy/Medios y Media/Getty Images

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“Lupillo saying women don’t matter here, and no one says anything, how disgusting”; “He is the worst sexist!”; “’Women don’t count here’; Good for Aleska and Gera defending this guy with such unfortunate comments”; “Women don’t count, and yet the boss says there is no abuse hahahaha”; “First she says ‘women don’t count here’ and then she wants to beat up Romeh, but the Boss aka the production will say that there is no abuse”; “What can you expect from Lupillo if he fights with his father, his mother, and his entire family, and, as if that were not enough, there is not one of his ex-wives who speaks well of him”, and “Violent, sexist, harasser, and manipulator. That’s Lupillo Rivera,” other fans added.

Although the situation calmed down, everything seems to indicate that this mention of Lupillo Rivera, as well as his attitude, were not liked by the public. In the meantime, he will continue on this reality show.

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