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He’s ‘anathema’ to all that the Kennedy family represents

On Wednesday night, Kerry Kennedy returned to her hotel room in Las Vegas after making several campaign stops on behalf of Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who is the Democratic presidential nominee.

Kerry, the daughter of former U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy and the niece of former President John F. Kennedy, expressed that her involvement in supporting the Democratic ticket was a direct response to her brother, Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Last week, he endorsed former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee.

“I reached out to the campaign on Friday and said I would like to help. They asked if I could fly out to Phoenix on Tuesday morning, and here I am in Nevada,” Kerry Kennedy shared. “There are plenty of Kennedys willing to step up and support this effort.”

Speaking on behalf of her siblings, except for Douglas Kennedy, who works as a journalist, Kerry expressed their disappointment over Robert Jr.’s alignment with Trump. “Donald Trump stands in stark opposition to everything our family represents,” she stated. “I completely distance myself from what Bobby is doing and saying because it fundamentally rejects the values we’ve upheld as a family and everything I’ve dedicated my life to.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., aged 70, has had a notable career as an environmental attorney, serving as the head of Riverkeeper, a nonprofit focused on Hudson River protection. His decision to support Trump, who has worked to roll back numerous environmental protections, has baffled his family.

Last Friday, Kennedy Jr. revealed that he planned to remove his name from the ballot in several battleground states where he believed his candidacy could pose a “spoiler” effect, ultimately endorsing Trump.

Despite his intentions to withdraw from some swing states, Kennedy Jr.’s name will still appear on ballots in Wisconsin and Michigan, as well as on absentee ballots in North Carolina that are scheduled to be mailed to voters shortly.

Recent polling indicates that Kennedy Jr.’s support is at 4%, and financial difficulties are apparent within his campaign. Federal Election Commission records show that his campaign is burdened with nearly $3.5 million in debt while having only $3.9 million available as of last month.

Kerry Kennedy strongly criticized Trump, arguing that he represents a “threat to most basic rights.” She expressed that while Harris and Walz align with the principles her family has long fought for, Trump embodies the complete opposite. “He’s a threat to core rights and freedoms that define us as Americans,” she emphasized.

If her father and uncle were alive today, Kerry believed they would vehemently oppose everything associated with Trump. She described Trump’s behavior, labeling it filled with “lying, selfishness, rage, cynicism, hatred, racism, fascist sympathies, and deliberate misinformation about vaccines.” Kerry praised Kamala Harris for being resolute against individuals who pose threats to American rights.

When asked about her last conversation with her brother, she mentioned that he attended her daughter’s wedding back in July. “We communicate frequently through text messages. I reached out to him on Friday after he endorsed Trump,” she recounted.

As for her brother’s current state of mind, Kerry stated simply, “I’m not a psychiatrist,” highlighting the familial tension surrounding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s controversial political moves and values.

Source: USA Today