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Hillary Clinton: Kamala Harris Can Shatter the ‘Toughest Glass Ceiling’

Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State, invigorated the audience during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention. She emphasized Vice President Kamala Harris’s potential to shatter barriers and achieve significant milestones that Clinton herself had pursued in her political journey.

“Together, we’ve put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling,” Clinton exclaimed, drawing enthusiastic applause from the crowd at Chicago’s United Center. “And tonight we are so close to breaking through once and for all.”

With Harris poised to become only the second woman in history to accept a major party’s presidential nomination, Clinton reflected on her own historic 2016 candidacy, which ultimately culminated in a loss to Donald Trump.

Clinton began her address by expressing gratitude to President Joe Biden, acknowledging his leadership and the return of decency to the White House. She then dove into a narrative of historic achievements leading to this point, recalling Shirley Chisholm’s groundbreaking presidential campaign and Geraldine Ferraro’s historic nomination as the first female vice-presidential candidate.

“And then, there was 2016 when it was the honor of my life to accept our party’s nomination for president,” Clinton said, praising the nearly 66 million Americans who envisioned a future without limits on their dreams. “After that, we refused to give up on America. Millions marched. Many ran for office. We kept our eyes on the future.”

“Well, my friends, the future is here,” she declared, prompting cheers from the attendees.

Clinton shared that she wished both her mother and Harris’s mother could witness this historic moment, believing they would encourage the two women to “keep going.” In response, the audience erupted with chants of “Keep going!”

As comparisons between the campaigns of Clinton and Harris began to emerge, several Democratic insiders expressed optimism about Harris’s candidacy and its ability to energize the party. Nonetheless, there was a palpable caution among Democrats, who were wary of overconfidence in the face of a potential Trump resurgence, reflecting on the lessons learned from the 2016 election.

Clinton, who first sought the presidency in 2008 before losing the primary to Barack Obama and then subsequently winning the nomination in 2016 after defeating Senator Bernie Sanders, noted the stark contrast with her previous campaign. She recalled the tumultuous and contentious 2016 general election against Trump, where both parties engaged in fierce personal attacks.

This time around, a Trump campaign email sent out shortly before Clinton’s remarks at the DNC referenced her previous derogatory remarks about his supporters, seeking to paint her as a villain in the eyes of voters.

In her speech, Clinton took a direct swipe at Trump, mentioning his recent conviction on 34 felony counts and adding that he “made his own kind of history” during that tumultuous trial. This sparked chants of “Lock him up!” from the audience, a phrase that Trump had famously chanted about Clinton during their campaigns.

Clinton underscored the importance of remaining vigilant despite favorable polling for Harris against Trump. She cautioned her fellow Democrats, “No matter what the polls say, we can’t let up. We can’t get driven down crazy conspiracy rabbit holes.”

Reflecting on her own experiences, Clinton mentioned that her campaign loss stemmed from a combination of factors and acknowledged her responsibility. Although she pointed to external influences, such as the FBI investigation into her emails, she also cited challenges in overcoming entrenched stereotypes.

After stepping back from the national spotlight following the 2016 election, Clinton returned to political life during the 2020 campaign, actively supporting Biden and praising his dynamic partnership with Harris.

While she voiced hopes that Harris could defeat Trump, Clinton also issued warnings regarding the biases and challenges Harris would likely encounter, mirroring her own experiences. “On her first day in court, Kamala said five words that still guide her. Kamala Harris for the people,” Clinton emphasized.

She lambasted Trump for belittling Harris’s name and her laughter, a familiar tactic used against women in politics. Clinton painted a picture of a resilient Harris, someone dedicated to fighting for the people.

As Clinton encouraged the crowd with an impassioned call to action, she highlighted the importance of solidarity and empowerment for future generations. “This is our time, America. This is when we stand up. This is when we break through. The future is here. It’s in our grasp. Let’s go win it,” she concluded.

Source: ABC News