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How Kamala Harris Defuses Her Opponents on the Political Stage

Illustration by Renee Klahr/POLITICO (source images via AP Photo)

In the realm of political debates, lawyers are typically the ones asking the probing questions rather than answering them. Kamala Harris, who has built a reputation for her incisive questioning during her tenure in the Senate, is no exception. Known for her sharp and effective questioning style, Harris has made a name for herself in high-stakes political arenas.

However, she faces her most significant challenge yet as she prepares to engage in a debate with Donald Trump—an event that many are looking forward to seeing unfold. That debate, which occurs on a Tuesday evening, stands as the first, and potentially the only, opportunity for the two candidates to clash before the impending Election Day.

As the countdown to this pivotal moment begins, it’s worthwhile to reflect on Harris’s previous moments in the spotlight. By analyzing highlights from her Senate career and her participation in earlier debates, we can glean insights into her possible strategies against Trump. It is evident that her adeptness at maintaining control during discussions could be an essential asset.

Throughout her questioning, Harris tends to present clear, direct points, usually framed in a composed and professional tone. This approach often resonates with her audience, allowing her to make compelling arguments. Furthermore, she has an uncanny ability to put her opponents on the defensive, leading them to display signs of nervousness when engaging with her.

The fundamental question remains: how effective will these techniques be against Trump? The unique dynamics of the debate, especially considering agreed-upon rules, may restrict Harris’s ability to engage in her customary style of direct confrontation. Furthermore, she must adapt her method to effectively counter Trump’s often erratic and rambling communication pattern.

One notable moment from Harris’s Senate career was during the 2018 Supreme Court confirmation hearings for Brett Kavanaugh. She gained recognition for her pointed questioning regarding Kavanaugh’s discussions related to the Mueller investigation. In this exchange, Harris exhibited a confident and pressing demeanor, hinting at the possibility of explosive revelations regarding Kavanaugh’s connections to legal discussions concerning Trump.

Unfortunately, while the performance showcased her confidence, the lack of substantive follow-up rendered the whole interaction less impactful in the long run. Kavanaugh ultimately denied any misconduct, leading Harris to acknowledge his points without achieving the expected breakthrough.

Another memorable instance involved Attorney General Bill Barr, where Harris opened with a significant yes-or-no question about whether Trump had pressured him to investigate anyone. The simplicity of her question contrasted sharply with Barr’s stuttering response, demonstrating her control over the interaction. Even as Barr attempted to clarify later, she efficiently cut him off, maintaining the rhythm of her questioning.

Her questioning style again proved effective when she interrogated Jeff Sessions regarding his congressional testimony. She posed straightforward questions aimed at elucidating Sessions’s knowledge, effectively exposing his discomfort and lack of directness.

Harris further cemented her capacity to guide debates during her inquiry of Gina Haspel, Trump’s nominee for CIA leadership. By directly addressing the morality of previous interrogation techniques, she put Haspel in a precarious position, forcing her to avoid a clear answer.

During the 2020 Democratic primaries, perhaps one of Harris’s most defining moments came as she confronted Joe Biden about his historical stance on federally mandated busing. By weaving in her personal experience with effective emotional resonance, she simultaneously challenged Biden while galvanizing her audience. Her passionate delivery and compelling narrative showcased her capacity to connect on a personal level, prompting significant reflection on the issue.

However, as Harris readies herself for the impending debate, the conditions may not lend themselves to such high-stakes engagements. The debate format includes muted microphones and the absence of an audience, potentially limiting her ability to replicate earlier successes.

Adding to the complexity is her previous experience debating then-Vice President Mike Pence, where she asserted her speaking rights amid interruptions. This moment resonated widely, demonstrating her ability to command respect even in challenging conversations.

The forthcoming matchup against Trump presents an unprecedented challenge for Harris, one that will showcase her debate skills on a national stage. As she steps into the spotlight, it will be vital to observe how she navigates this high-pressure political environment and whether her past experiences will translate into a formidable performance.

As the nation watches, the outcome may pivot on how well she can adapt her strategies to this unique and high-stakes setting.

Source: source names