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How Long Does ‘Deadliest Catch’ Film Crab Seasons?

The popular show Deadliest Catch on Discovery Channel typically features between 10 to 23 episodes per season. This translates to around 16 to 38 hours of footage, adjusted for commercial breaks. But just how long does the actual crab fishing season last compared to what’s shown on the series?

Here’s what you need to know about the crab fishing seasons depicted in Deadliest Catch.

Currently in its 20th season, Deadliest Catch’s 19th season, which aired from April to September 2023, spanned 22 episodes. These months of episodes, each less than an hour long, offer only a glimpse of the actual crab fishing season. Surprisingly, the real season lasts just three months, beginning in October and ending in January. Although weather and resource availability can impact this timeline, this is generally what most fishermen anticipate.

The fishing crews embark on several trips lasting three to four weeks each, returning to unload their catch before heading out again. This cyclical process is a race against time to meet quotas, as regulations permit keeping only male Alaska King Crab. The fishermen adhere to strict limits to ensure sustainability.

“You’re out there. You’re on the boats 24/7. You’ll come in, offload your crab…and you’re back out,” shared David Richert, a cameraman for Deadliest Catch, in an interview with Gold Derby. He highlighted the relentless nature of the work, which continues non-stop even when the cameras aren’t filming.

This season, the series continues to address the impact of global warming on Alaskan waters, a pressing issue given that Alaska is one of the fastest-warming states in the U.S. according to the New York Times. Rising temperatures are depleting the Alaskan crab population, posing significant challenges for the crabbing industry.

Season 20 also brings new hurdles, including the effects of El Niño. This phenomenon has created deadly conditions for the fishermen, making an already dangerous job even riskier. Captain Sig Hansen noted in a season promo, “El Niño was really rough this last fall. We had a man overboard, and for me, that never happened. But it happened this time.”

Are you surprised by how short the actual crab fishing seasons are compared to what’s depicted in Deadliest Catch? How are you finding the latest season on Discovery Channel? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Gold Derby, New York Times