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How Much Child Support Does Jenelle Evans Receive From David?

Jenelle Evans has recently caught attention with several posts seemingly aimed at her ex, David Eason. In one particular Instagram post, the Teen Mom star mentioned an astonishing $60,000 child support bill. Naturally, this raises questions about how much child support Jenelle is receiving from David and if her recent posts are throwing shade at their current situation. Here’s what we know so far.

Jenelle’s ex, David Eason, has reportedly found a new girlfriend named Kenleigh. Since this development, Jenelle has been sharing somewhat cryptic status updates on social media. On X, she posted, “Don’t f*ck with me because I’ve been waiting to say something.” Shortly afterward, Jenelle shared something on her Instagram Story that also seemed directed at David.

Teen Mom Jenelle Evans - Instagram
Instagram/Jenelle Evans

The Instagram Story featured a stock photo of flower petals and oranges, overlaid with the text, “$60,000 is a lot to owe in child support” and a mind-blown emoji. A Teen Mom fan Instagram account captured Jenelle’s Story and other recent posts, captioning it, “#JenelleEvans with some more posts seemingly about her ex #DavidEason and his new girlfriend Kenleigh.”

If Jenelle’s post is indeed about David Eason, this raises the question of how much child support she is receiving from him. One Instagram user commented, “They’ve been broken up for like a month. What is the monthly child support?!?” Others were equally skeptical, with another Instagram user writing, “No way David could rack up that when they’ve been separated for so little time. I mean do they even have a custody agreement yet?”

David Eason does have other children besides his daughter with Jenelle, Ensley. He has an older daughter who hasn’t lived with him for several months, which could potentially explain the accumulated child support.

Some followers believe Jenelle’s post is probably focused on the child support meant for Ensley. One person noted, “Jenelle doesn’t care about anyone but herself. She’s only talking about Ensley.”

Jenelle Evans Instagram Story
Instagram/Jenelle Evans

However, given that Jenelle and David have only been separated for a few months, it’s puzzling how such a large sum could have accrued. In North Carolina, the state where they live, couples are required to be separated for one year before filing for divorce. During this period, it’s challenging to obtain any form of child support, making the mention of $60,000 seem exaggerated.

At this point, everything remains speculative. If Jenelle Evans is genuinely owed $60,000 in child support, it’s likely we’ll hear more details soon. For now, her social media posts have certainly captured public interest and left many questions unanswered.

Source: source names