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How Queen Elizabeth Stood by Prince Andrew Amid Epstein Allegations

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The late Queen Elizabeth II reportedly ignored advice from senior courtiers to suspend Prince Andrew following allegations concerning his involvement with sex predator Jeffrey Epstein. Instead, she distanced herself from the courtiers who made the suggestion, according to a new report.

These allegations suggest that Elizabeth, who had a well-known soft spot for her favorite son, sought to minimize and make allowances for Andrew’s behavior. Palace narratives often depicted her as making ruthless decisions to protect the monarchy’s integrity, cutting Andrew out when needed.

Insiders, however, questioned this characterization, suggesting the queen’s personal affection for her second son clouded her judgment. They claim it was actually Charles and William who were decisive in expelling Andrew from the working royal family. Charles, who was never particularly fond of Andrew, led the charge, while William issued ultimatum-like statements regarding Andrew’s participation in events like the annual Garter Parade.

The queen’s stance became evident when she chose Andrew to escort her to a high-profile memorial service for her late husband, Prince Philip. This visual endorsement reportedly stunned William in particular. Elizabeth is also said to have paid Andrew’s significant court settlement with Virginia Giuffre, who accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. Andrew has never admitted guilt.

A new report has now surfaced, claiming that when allegations linked to Jeffrey Epstein first emerged against Andrew in 2015, the queen sought to dismiss them. A report in the Daily Mail’s Ephraim Hardcastle column suggests that “three senior members of the Royal Household” were isolated after advising the queen to suspend Andrew from royal duties pending an investigation.

“Ephraim Hardcastle” is a pseudonym for an anonymous column written by senior editors based on newsroom tips. The column notes that the queen was “quite dismissive” of the allegations against Andrew, and those who advised her to suspend him received a curt reply conveying royal displeasure from an assistant private secretary. Additionally, these three courtiers were not invited to the royal staff party that year.

The queen is also believed to have left Andrew a generous inheritance in her will. Royal author Andrew Morton, known for collaborating in secret with Princess Diana on Diana: Her True Story, previously mentioned on the Mirror’s royal podcast, Pod Save the Queen, that Andrew remained in the inner circle due to his intense loyalty to his mother. Morton stated, “Prince Andrew has always been absolutely loyal to his mother. He will never hear a word said against her, he has always been intensely loyal.”

Andrew’s role in evacuating Windsor Castle’s art collection during a 1992 fire, preventing the destruction of invaluable art, is said to have earned him lifelong gratitude from the queen.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

Source: Daily Mail, The Daily Beast