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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Identities of 2 deceased individuals at Market Square Fiesta event have been released

The Bexar County Medical Examiner’s Office identified two men, Mikey Valdez, 18, and Albert Cisneros Jr., 20, killed in a shooting at a Fiesta event at Historic Market Square in San Antonio. San Antonio police officers reportedly chased Valdez after hearing a gunshot and witnessing him shoot Cisneros near a stage in the 100 block of Concho Alley. Two guns were recovered at the scene, and four bystanders, all women, were also shot. Some were transported with injuries, while others were released at the scene. Videos posted online showed chaos during the incident. No information was provided about whether the bystanders were hit by the suspects or by police gunfire.


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