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Ilhan Omar Aims to Escape Fate of Fellow Squad Members in Primary Race

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar, a prominent member of “The Squad,” is preparing for her primary election on Tuesday. Omar, who has represented Minnesota’s 5th congressional district since 2018, finds herself in a rematch against Don Samuels, a Minneapolis City Council member she narrowly defeated two years ago.

The upcoming primary is drawing considerable attention, particularly following the recent defeats of two other Squad members. Missouri’s Cori Bush lost her primary to a local prosecutor in a bitterly contested race, while New York’s Jamaal Bowman faced a similar fate in what became the most expensive House primary in history. Both of these losses have been partly attributed to their backing of a ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict, a stance that Omar has passionately supported.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) super PAC, which is aligned with pro-Israel interests, significantly invested in Bowman’s primary, contributing over $14 million, and spent more than $9 million in Bush’s campaign. However, the super PAC opted not to involve itself in Omar’s primary, a choice confirmed by a spokesperson for the group.

This decision has provided a surge of confidence among Omar’s supporters, who speculate that she can hold onto her seat despite the challenging political landscape. Usamah Andrabi, communications director for Justice Democrats, expressed optimism, stating that the people of MN-05 recognize Omar as the representative they deserve, despite attempts by right-wing interests and Trump donors to support her opponent.

In the previous election, Omar’s victory over Samuels was decided by a narrow margin of fewer than 3,000 votes. At that time, Samuels’ campaign had outpaced Omar’s in terms of financial resources and spending. Since then, Omar has adjusted her campaign strategy, focusing on grassroots efforts, including volunteer mobilization for door-to-door canvassing, phone calls, and text outreach to voters.

Currently, Omar appears to be in a stronger financial position, having raised millions more than Samuels. According to recent data from OpenSecrets, Omar’s campaign has allocated over $4 million, while Samuels’ has spent less than $1 million.

Omar made history in 2018 when she became the first Somali-American elected to Congress, winning her district with more than 70 percent of the vote. She is also one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress, alongside her fellow Squad member, Rashida Tlaib.

Throughout the past year, Omar has frequently been in the spotlight due to her vocal criticism of Israel’s actions in Gaza, following the tragic loss of thousands of Palestinian lives in the wake of the October 7th attack by Hamas. However, her outspoken views have led to accusations of antisemitic comments, intensifying the scrutiny surrounding her positions.

As the primary approaches, the outcome remains uncertain, but the stakes are high for Omar. With the context of recent primary losses affecting progressive candidates, her campaign is keenly aware of the challenges ahead. Whether she can rally her base and capitalize on her financial advantage will be crucial in the coming days.

Source: various news outlets