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Ilhan Omar Wins Key Primary After Two Losses for Progressive ‘Squad’

US Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, attends an event with US Vice President Kamala Harris hosting a conversation with Kenyan President William Ruto at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, on May 24, 2024. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI, AFP via Getty Images

In a significant win for progressive politics, Representative Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, successfully defended her seat against a moderate challenger in Tuesday’s primary election. This victory comes amidst a challenging environment for members of the progressive “Squad,” which has recently faced intense financial opposition from pro-Israel groups.

Omar, who is in her third term, triumphed over Don Samuels, a former member of the Minneapolis City Council, in a contest that was closely watched. Given that Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District leans heavily Democratic, her reelection is anticipated as virtually assured.

During the previous primary in 2022, Samuels nearly defeated Omar, falling short by just over 2,400 votes. In a last-minute effort to support Samuels, the United Democracy Project, a super PAC connected to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), invested $350,000 into his campaign.

This year, however, the super PAC opted to largely refrain from financial involvement in Omar’s race, which marks a shift from their strategies in other recent contests. They had targeted fellow progressive lawmakers, such as Representatives Jamaal Bowman of New York and Cori Bush of Missouri.

Both Bowman and Bush faced significant financial opposition, with spending exceeding $14.5 million and nearly $9 million, respectively, from groups opposed to their stances on Israel’s actions in Gaza. Their defeats have raised concerns among progressives about the influence of outside spending on election outcomes.

Unlike Bowman and Bush, who have attracted negative attention due to their own controversies—Bowman due to an incident involving a fire alarm and Bush amid a federal investigation concerning personal security funding—Omar has managed to maintain a stronger position within her district. Her firm criticism of Israel’s conduct during the ongoing conflict in Gaza has not significantly diminished her standing among constituents.

As the race unfolded, Omar also demonstrated a notable fundraising advantage. Her campaign reportedly spent about $2.6 million on advertisements, dwarfing the $32,000 spent by Samuels’ campaign according to AdImpact data. This financial dominance likely played a crucial role in ensuring her victory.

Omar’s win may signal a continued resilience of progressive candidates within the Democratic Party, despite the electoral setbacks of her peers. Given the current political climate, her ability to fend off moderate challengers speaks to her strong support base and effectiveness in addressing issues that resonate with her constituents.

While challenges remain for progressive lawmakers in various districts, Omar’s victory stands out as a hopeful development amid a landscape fraught with external pressures and financial influence. The primary results are a testament to her commitment to progressive values and her ability to connect with voters, reinforcing her position as a key figure within the party.

The implications of this primary extend beyond Omar’s individual success; they represent a larger battle within the Democratic Party regarding the direction of its political agenda. As progressives continue to advocate for bold policies, they will need to navigate the complexities of electoral dynamics shaped by outside spending and varying voter sentiments.

Overall, Rep. Omar’s victory serves as an important milestone for her and her supporters, illustrating that, even in the face of substantial opposition, progressive candidates can prevail and maintain a significant role in shaping the future of the Democratic Party.