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Ilhan Omar Wins Key Primary After Two Losses for the Progressive Squad

US Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, attends an event with US Vice President Kamala Harris hosting a conversation with Kenyan President William Ruto at the US Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC, on May 24, 2024. BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI, AFP via Getty Images

Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota successfully defeated a moderate challenger in her recent primary election, a victory that comes amidst a broader focus on the progressive “Squad” and their campaign dynamics influenced by pro-Israel groups.

Omar, who has served three terms in Congress, faced off against Don Samuels, a former member of the Minneapolis City Council. With the district being heavily Democratic, she is poised for reelection in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District.

In a closely contested primary in 2022, Samuels had narrowly lost to Omar, trailing her by about 2,400 votes. In that election, the United Democracy Project, a super PAC linked to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, invested $350,000 in an effort to unseat Omar.

Interestingly, this year, the PAC chose not to heavily invest in Omar’s race, a stark contrast to their involvement in other recent primaries across the country.

The PAC had previously targeted fellow members of the Squad, Reps. Jamaal Bowman from New York and Cori Bush from Missouri, due to their outspoken criticisms of the Israeli government and its actions in Gaza. In their respective primary races, over $23 million was spent to unseat them, leading both to be defeated by more moderate candidates.

This significant outside spending has drawn criticism from progressives, who argue that it played a crucial role in the outcomes of Bowman’s and Bush’s campaigns.

While Omar has also been critical of Israel’s actions during the ongoing conflict in Gaza, she appears to have enjoyed a stronger position than her colleagues, who faced various scandals throughout their campaigns. Notably, Bowman was involved in a controversy for pulling a fire alarm during a critical vote aimed at preventing a government shutdown, and Bush is currently facing federal scrutiny over her handling of campaign finances related to personal security.

Leading up to the recent primary, Omar had a distinct fundraising advantage over Samuels. Reports indicate that her campaign spent approximately $2.6 million on advertisements, dwarfed by the modest expenditure of Samuels’s campaign, which invested only around $32,000.

Omar’s resilience in the face of outside funding aimed at moderating the progressive voice within Congress reflects both her established base within her district and her strategic campaigning efforts. Her victory serves to reinforce the complexities involved in the dynamics of progressive politics, especially as outside influences continue to play a pivotal role in shaping electoral outcomes.

This recent win indicates that while challenges exist for progressive representatives in the current political climate, there remains a strong support system within certain districts. As the 2024 elections approach, the ongoing tensions between party factions may shape the strategies deployed by candidates on both sides, influencing how campaigns are run in the coming months.

Omar’s victory highlights the necessity for progressive candidates to adapt and respond effectively to the changing political landscape. It also demonstrates a continuing demand for representation that aligns with the progressive values embraced by her constituents.

With the primary behind her, Omar’s focus will likely shift towards the general election, where she will aim to maintain her seat in a district that has consistently supported Democratic candidates.

As she prepares for the upcoming electoral challenges, her recent success will serve as a critical momentum builder, potentially influencing the broader narrative surrounding progressive candidates in the United States.